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There are 13 words containing ISOA

ISOAMYLisoamyl n. (Chemistry) the organic radical derived from isoamyl alcohol; 3-methyl butyl.
ISOAMYL n. isoamyl acetate, an organic solvent and flavouring.
ISOAMYLSISOAMYL n. isoamyl acetate, an organic solvent and flavouring.
ISOAMINILEisoaminile n. A drug, structurally related to methadone, with antitussive and anticholinergic effects.
ISOAMINILE n. an antitussive drug.
ISOANTIGENisoantigen n. An immunologically active material (especially a protein or polysaccharide) that is present only in…
ISOANTIGEN n. an antigen that stimulates antibody production in different members of the same species.
ISOAMINILESISOAMINILE n. an antitussive drug.
ISOANTIBODYisoantibody n. An antibody produced by an individual against isoantigens produced by members of the same species.
ISOANTIBODY n. an antibody that occurs naturally against foreign tissue from an individual of the same species.
ISOANTIGENSisoantigens n. Plural of isoantigen.
ISOANTIGEN n. an antigen that stimulates antibody production in different members of the same species.
ISOANTIGENICisoantigenic adj. Relating to isoantigens.
ISOANTIGENIC adj. relating to an isoantigen.
ISOAGGLUTININisoagglutinin n. A hemagglutinin that causes clumping of the red blood cells of animals of the same species, though not…
ISOAGGLUTININ n. an antibody that causes the agglutination of red blood corpuscles in animals of the same species from which it was derived.
ISOALLOXAZINEisoalloxazine n. (Organic chemistry) The tricyclic heterocycle that is the basis of the flavins; any derivative of this compound.
ISOALLOXAZINE n. a yellow solid that is the precursor of various flavins, such as riboflavin.
ISOANTIBODIESisoantibodies n. Plural of isoantibody.
ISOANTIBODY n. an antibody that occurs naturally against foreign tissue from an individual of the same species.
ISOAGGLUTININSisoagglutinins n. Plural of isoagglutinin.
ISOAGGLUTININ n. an antibody that causes the agglutination of red blood corpuscles in animals of the same species from which it was derived.
ISOALLOXAZINESisoalloxazines n. Plural of isoalloxazine.
ISOALLOXAZINE n. a yellow solid that is the precursor of various flavins, such as riboflavin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • English Wiktionary: 88 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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  • Scrabble in Italian: 14 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 832 words

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