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There are 12 words containing IRLO

FIRLOTfirlot n. (Scotland) A measure of capacity, once used for corn etc, equal to four pecks.
FIRLOT n. (Scots) an old measure of grain etc.
AIRLOCKairlock n. A sealed, airtight chamber, such as in a manned spacecraft or submarine, used to provide access to and…
airlock n. (Architecture, informal) A vestibule, foyer or entranceway with doors to the exterior on one end and…
airlock n. Alternative form of air lock.
FIRLOTSfirlots n. Plural of firlot.
FIRLOT n. (Scots) an old measure of grain etc.
GIRLONDgirlond n. Obsolete form of garland.
GIRLOND n. a garland.
SIRLOINsirloin n. (US) A cut of beef from the lower part of the back, where the last ribs are (called rump in UK English).
sirloin n. (UK) A cut of beef from the middle of the back (corresponding to short loin and partly rib in US English).
SIRLOIN n. a loin of beef, or the upper part of the loin, also SURLOIN.
AIRLOCKSairlocks n. Plural of airlock.
air␣locks n. Plural of air lock.
AIRLOCK n. an obstructing bubble in a pipe.
GIRLONDSgirlonds n. Plural of girlond.
GIRLOND n. a garland.
HAIRLOCKhairlock n. A lock of hair.
HAIRLOCK n. a lock of hair.
HEIRLOOMheirloom n. A valued possession that has been passed down through the generations.
heirloom n. (Horticulture) An old crop variety that has been passed down through generations of farmers by seed…
heir-loom n. An old variation on heirloom.
SIRLOINSsirloins n. Plural of sirloin.
SIRLOIN n. a loin of beef, or the upper part of the loin, also SURLOIN.
HAIRLOCKShairlocks n. Plural of hairlock.
HAIRLOCK n. a lock of hair.
HEIRLOOMSheirlooms n. Plural of heirloom.
heir-looms n. Plural of heir-loom.
HEIRLOOM n. an inherited possession.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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