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There are 18 words containing IPSH

CLIPSHEARclipshear n. (Scotland) Earwig.
CLIPSHEAR n. (Scots) an earwig.
CLIPSHEARSclipshears n. Plural of clipshear.
CLIPSHEAR n. (Scots) an earwig.
CLIPSHEETclipsheet n. A sheet of news, features, and similar material distributed to newspaper publishers for convenient inclusion…
CLIPSHEET n. a sheet clipped on to a clipboard.
CLIPSHEETSclipsheets n. Plural of clipsheet.
CLIPSHEET n. a sheet clipped on to a clipboard.
DIPSHITdipshit n. (Vulgar) A stupid or undesirable person.
dipshit n. (Vulgar) Something unwanted or undesirable.
DIPSHIT n. (vulgar) a contemptible person.
DIPSHITSdipshits n. Plural of dipshit.
DIPSHIT n. (vulgar) a contemptible person.
HIPSHOThipshot adj. Having a dislocated hip.
hipshot adj. (Dated) Clumsy, awkward.
hipshot adj. (US, colloquial) Standing with one hip lower than the other.
SHIPSHAPEshipshape adj. (Originally nautical) Meticulously neat and tidy.
shipshape adv. (Originally nautical) Neatly and tidily to a meticulous extent.
ship-shape adj. Archaic form of shipshape.
SLIPSHEETslipsheet n. Alternative form of slip sheet.
slip␣sheet n. (Roofing) Sheet material, such as reinforced kraft paper, rosin-sized paper, polyester scrim or polyethylene…
slip␣sheet n. (Shipping) A strong, thin pallet-sized sheet of plastic or fiberboard used to transport heavy items.
SLIPSHEETEDSLIPSHEET v. to insert a slipsheet.
SLIPSHEETINGSLIPSHEET v. to insert a slipsheet.
SLIPSHEETSslipsheets n. Plural of slipsheet.
slip␣sheets n. Plural of slip sheet.
SLIPSHEET n. a sheet of paper that is interleaved between freshly pressed sheets.
SLIPSHODslipshod adj. Done poorly or too quickly; slapdash.
slipshod adj. (Obsolete) Wearing slippers or similarly open shoes.
SLIPSHOD adj. carelessly done.
SLIPSHODDINESSslipshoddiness n. Synonym of slipshodness.
SLIPSHODDINESS n. the state of being slipshod.
SLIPSHODNESSslipshodness n. The quality of being slipshod.
SLIPSHODNESS n. the state of being slipshod.
SLIPSHODNESSESSLIPSHODNESS n. the state of being slipshod.
TIPSHEETtipsheet n. A page or mailing of information and hints.
tip␣sheet n. Synonym of scratch sheet.
TIPSHEET n. a publication with tips for betting on races or investing in stocks.
TIPSHEETStipsheets n. Plural of tipsheet.
tip␣sheets n. Plural of tip sheet.
TIPSHEET n. a publication with tips for betting on races or investing in stocks.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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