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There are 14 words containing ILTH

FILTHfilth n. Dirt; foul matter; that which soils or defiles.
filth n. Smut; that which sullies or defiles the moral character; corruption; pollution.
filth n. (Derogatory, uncountable) A vile or disgusting person.
TILTHtilth n. Agricultural labour; husbandry.
tilth n. The state of being tilled, or prepared for a crop; culture.
tilth n. Rich cultivated soil.
FILTHSfilths n. Plural of filth.
FILTH n. foul or dirty matter.
FILTHYfilthy adj. Covered with filth; very dirty.
filthy adj. Obscene or offensive.
filthy adj. Very unpleasant or disagreeable.
SPILTHspilth n. (Archaic) Spillage; spilled material.
SPILTH n. that which is spilt, also SPILLAGE.
TILTHStilths n. Plural of tilth.
TILTH n. cultivated land.
SPILTHSspilths n. Plural of spilth.
SPILTH n. that which is spilt, also SPILLAGE.
FILTHIERfilthier adj. Comparative form of filthy: more filthy.
FILTHY adj. offensively dirty.
FILTHILYfilthily adv. In a filthy manner.
FILTHY adv. offensively dirty.
GILTHEADgilthead n. A marine fish, Sparus aurata (gilt-head bream), with a golden-coloured head; the giltpoll.
gilthead n. Symphodus melops, a coastal fish; the golden maid, conner, or sea partridge.
gilt-head n. The gilt-head bream.
FILTHIESTfilthiest adj. Superlative form of filthy: most filthy.
FILTHY adj. offensively dirty.
GILTHEADSgiltheads n. Plural of gilthead.
gilt-heads n. Plural of gilt-head.
GILTHEAD n. a kind of fish with a gold half-moon between the eyes.
FILTHINESSfilthiness n. The property of being filthy.
FILTHINESS n. the quality of being filthy.
FILTHINESSESfilthinesses n. Plural of filthiness.
FILTHINESS n. the quality of being filthy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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