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There are 12 words containing ILID

CEILIDHceilidh n. An informal social gathering where traditional Irish or Scottish folk music is played, with dancing and storytelling.
ceilidh v. To dance a ceilidh.
céilidh n. Alternative form of ceilidh.
CEILIDHSceilidhs n. Plural of ceilidh.
céilidhs n. Plural of céilidh.
CEILIDH n. (Gaelic) an informal gathering with music, dancing etc., also CEILI.
CHILIDOGchilidog n. A hot dog made with chili con carne.
chili␣dog n. A hot dog topped with chili con carne.
CHILIDOG n. a hot dog topped with chili.
POMPILIDpompilid n. (Zoology) Any member of the Pompilidae, or spider wasps.
POMPILID n. a spider-hunting wasp.
UTILIDORutilidor n. A utility corridor.
UTILIDOR n. (Canadian) an insulated system of pipes for use in arctic regions.
CHILIDOGSchilidogs n. Plural of chilidog.
chili␣dogs n. Plural of chili dog.
CHILIDOG n. a hot dog topped with chili.
POMPILIDSpompilids n. Plural of pompilid.
POMPILID n. a spider-hunting wasp.
UTILIDORSutilidors n. Plural of utilidor.
UTILIDOR n. (Canadian) an insulated system of pipes for use in arctic regions.
ACETANILIDacetanilid n. Alternative form of acetanilide.
ACETANILID n. a white crystalline compound derived from aniline and acetic acid, also ACETANILIDE.
ACETANILIDEacetanilide n. (Organic chemistry, pharmacology) the amide derived from acetic acid and aniline; once used medicinally…
ACETANILIDE n. a white crystalline compound derived from aniline and acetic acid, also ACETANILID.
ACETANILIDSacetanilids n. Plural of acetanilid.
ACETANILID n. a white crystalline compound derived from aniline and acetic acid, also ACETANILIDE.
ACETANILIDESacetanilides n. Plural of acetanilide.
ACETANILIDE n. a white crystalline compound derived from aniline and acetic acid, also ACETANILID.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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