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There are 10 words containing ILEE

BAILEEbailee n. (Law) One who holds bailed property; one who takes possession of the property of another (called a bailor)…
bailee n. A person who is granted bail.
Bailee prop.n. A female given name.
BAILEESbailees n. Plural of bailee.
BAILEE n. a person to whom property is bailed.
GALILEEgalilee n. (Architecture) A narthex, particularly in the United Kingdom and the Church of England; a vestibule…
galilee n. In certain Syriac Christian churches, the baptistry.
Galilee prop.n. A mountainous geographic region in northern Israel.
JUBILEEjubilee n. (Countable, Jewish history) A special year of emancipation supposed to be observed every fifty years…
jubilee n. (Countable, by extension).
jubilee n. (Figuratively).
FUSILEERfusileer n. Alternative form of fusilier.
FUSILEER n. a soldier armed with a fusil, also FUSILIER.
GALILEESgalilees n. Plural of galilee.
GALILEE n. a small chapel or porch at western end of some medieval English churches.
JUBILEESjubilees n. Plural of jubilee.
Jubilees n. Plural of Jubilee.
JUBILEE n. a celebration, also JUBILE.
FUSILEERSfusileers n. Plural of fusileer.
FUSILEER n. a soldier armed with a fusil, also FUSILIER.
MISSILEERmissileer n. One who launches missiles.
missileer n. One who designs or works with missiles.
MISSILEER n. one responsible for the firing of missiles.
MISSILEERSmissileers n. Plural of missileer.
MISSILEER n. one responsible for the firing of missiles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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