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There are 18 words containing IGRO

ANTIGROPELOESantigropeloes n. Alternative form of antigropelos.
ANTIGROPELOES n. waterproof leggings, also ANTIGROPELOS.
ANTIGROPELOSantigropelos n. (Dated) Waterproof leggings.
ANTIGROPELOS n. waterproof leggings, also ANTIGROPELOES.
ANTIGROWTHantigrowth adj. Opposing or countering growth.
ANTIGROWTH adj. designed to prevent growth.
LIGROINligroin n. (Archaic) A petroleum fraction boiling 75°-125°C used as a solvent and fuel.
LIGROIN n. (tradename) a name applied to some of the volatile products obtained in refining crude petroleum, also LIGROINE.
LIGROINEligroine n. Alternative form of ligroin.
LIGROINE n. (tradename) a name applied to some of the volatile products obtained in refining crude petroleum, also LIGROIN.
LIGROINESligroines n. Plural of ligroine.
LIGROINE n. (tradename) a name applied to some of the volatile products obtained in refining crude petroleum, also LIGROIN.
LIGROINSligroins n. Plural of ligroin.
LIGROIN n. (tradename) a name applied to some of the volatile products obtained in refining crude petroleum, also LIGROINE.
MULTIGROUPmultigroup adj. Of or pertaining to more than one group.
MULTIGROUP adj. comprising many groups.
MULTIGROUPSSorry, definition not available.
NIGROMANCIESnigromancies n. Plural of nigromancy.
NIGROMANCY n. divination using black magic or the dead.
NIGROMANCYnigromancy n. (Now historical) Necromancy; magic involving death.
NIGROMANCY n. divination using black magic or the dead.
NIGROSINnigrosin n. A mixture of synthetic black dyes made by heating a mixture of nitrobenzene, aniline and aniline hydrochloride…
NIGROSIN n. a blackish coal-tar colour dye, also NIGROSINE.
NIGROSINEnigrosine n. A dark blue synthetic dyestuff of the induline group.
NIGROSINE n. a blackish coal-tar colour dye, also NIGROSIN.
NIGROSINESnigrosines n. Plural of nigrosine.
NIGROSINE n. a blackish coal-tar colour dye, also NIGROSIN.
NIGROSINSnigrosins n. Plural of nigrosin.
NIGROSIN n. a blackish coal-tar colour dye, also NIGROSINE.
SEMIGROUPsemigroup n. (Mathematics) Any set for which there is a binary operation that is closed and associative.
SEMIGROUP n. a mathematical group that is closed under an associative binary operation.
SEMIGROUPSsemigroups n. Plural of semigroup.
SEMIGROUP n. a mathematical group that is closed under an associative binary operation.
TIGROIDtigroid adj. (Pathology) In a pattern resembling tiger stripes.
TIGROID adj. like a tiger.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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