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There are 16 words containing IGEA

EPIGEALepigeal adj. (Biology) Living near the surface of the ground.
epigeal adj. (Botany, of a cotyledon) Emerging above the surface of the ground after being germinated.
EPIGEAL adj. growing close to the ground, also EPIGAEAL, EPIGEAN, EPIGEIC, EPIGEOUS.
EPIGEANepigean adj. That lives on or near the surface of the land.
epigean n. Any organism that lives on or near the surface of the land.
EPIGEAN adj. growing close to the ground, also EPIGEAL, EPIGAEAL, EPIGEIC, EPIGEOUS.
EXIGEANTexigeant adj. Exigent; demanding.
EXIGEANT adj. (French) exacting.
FIGEATERfigeater n. Alternative form of fig-eater.
fig-eater n. A large beetle (Cotinis nitida) which has elytra that are velvety green with pale borders, which ranges…
fig-eater n. A beetle (Cotinis mutabilis) which ranges from central Texas across the southwestern United States and Mexico.
PERIGEALperigeal adj. Relating to the perigee.
PERIGEAL adj. relating to a perigee, the point of the moon's orbit at which it is nearest the earth, also PERIGEAN.
PERIGEANperigean adj. Pertaining to the perigee.
PERIGEAN adj. relating to a perigee, the point of the moon's orbit at which it is nearest the earth, also PERIGEAL.
EXIGEANTEexigeante n. (Dated) A demanding woman.
exigeante adj. (Dated) Of a woman: demanding.
EXIGEANTE adj. (French) (of a female) exacting.
FIGEATERSfigeaters n. Plural of figeater.
fig-eaters n. Plural of fig-eater.
FIGEATER n. a large beetle which in the southern US destroys figs.
NEGLIGEABLEnegligeable adj. Archaic form of negligible.
NEGLIGEABLE adj. that may neglected or left out of consideration, also NEGLIGIBLE.
DESOBLIGEANTEDESOBLIGEANTE n. a carriage for one passenger.
INTRANSIGEANTintransigeant adj. Alternative form of intransigent.
INTRANSIGEANT adj. intransigent.
INTRANSIGEANT n. one who is intransigeant.
DESOBLIGEANTESDESOBLIGEANTE n. a carriage for one passenger.
INTRANSIGEANCEintransigeance n. Alternative form of intransigence.
INTRANSIGEANCE n. the state of being intransigeant, also INTRANSIGENCE, INTRANSIGENCY.
INTRANSIGEANTSINTRANSIGEANT n. one who is intransigeant.
INTRANSIGEANCESintransigeances n. Plural of intransigeance.
INTRANSIGEANCE n. the state of being intransigeant, also INTRANSIGENCE, INTRANSIGENCY.
INTRANSIGEANTLYintransigeantly adv. Alternative form of intransigently.
INTRANSIGEANT adv. intransigent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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