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There are 18 words containing IENI

ALIENINGaliening v. Present participle of alien.
ALIEN v. to alienate.
ALIENISMalienism n. The fact or position of being an alien; alienage.
alienism n. A foreignism, a word (or trait, etc) from another language (or country, etc).
alienism n. (Archaic) The study or treatment of mental disorders; psychiatry.
ALIENISMSalienisms n. Plural of alienism.
ALIENISM n. the state of being foreign, also ALIENAGE.
ALIENISTalienist n. (Dated) An expert in mental illness, especially with reference to legal ramifications.
alienist n. (Dated) A psychiatrist.
ALIENIST n. a psychiatrist specialising in legal aspects of mental illness.
ALIENISTSalienists n. Plural of alienist.
ALIENIST n. a psychiatrist specialising in legal aspects of mental illness.
HYGIENIChygienic adj. Pertaining to hygiene; clean, sanitary.
hygienic adj. (Computing, slang, of a macro) Whose expansion is guaranteed not to cause the accidental capture of identifiers.
HYGIENIC adj. relating to hygiene.
HYGIENICALLYhygienically adv. In a hygienic manner.
hygienically adv. In relation to hygiene.
HYGIENIC adv. relating to hygiene.
HYGIENICShygienics n. The science of hygiene.
HYGIENICS n. the principles of hygiene.
HYGIENISThygienist n. A person skilled in hygienics, but especially a dental assistant who cleans teeth etc.
HYGIENIST n. one skilled in hygiene, also HYGEIST, HYGIEIST.
HYGIENISTShygienists n. Plural of hygienist.
HYGIENIST n. one skilled in hygiene, also HYGEIST, HYGIEIST.
RIPIENIripieni n. Plural of ripieno.
RIPIENO n. (Italian) a musical passage performed by all the performers.
RIPIENISTripienist n. (Music) A musician in the ripieno portion of an orchestra, especially as opposed to a soloist or concertino section.
RIPIENIST n. a supplementary instrumentalist.
RIPIENISTSripienists n. Plural of ripienist.
RIPIENIST n. a supplementary instrumentalist.
SIENITEsienite n. Alternative form of syenite.
SIENITE n. a coarse-grained igneous rock, allied to granite, also SYENITE.
SIENITESsienites n. Plural of sienite.
SIENITE n. a coarse-grained igneous rock, allied to granite, also SYENITE.
UNHYGIENICunhygienic adj. Lacking hygiene; unclean.
UNHYGIENIC adj. not hygienic.
WIENIEwienie n. (North America, informal) A wiener.
wienie n. (North America, informal) The penis.
WIENIE n. a frankfurter, a small smoked beef or pork sausage, also WEENIE, WEENY, WEINER, WIENER, WIENERWURST.
WIENIESwienies n. Plural of wienie.
WIENIE n. a frankfurter, a small smoked beef or pork sausage, also WEENIE, WEENY, WEINER, WIENER, WIENERWURST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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