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There are 18 words containing ICRI

PICRICpicric adj. Designating a type of bitter yellow acid.
PICRIC adj. having a very bitter taste.
MICRIFYMICRIFY v. to make small.
PICRITEpicrite n. A variety of high-magnesium olivine basalt.
PICRITE n. a dark green igneous rock, consisting largely of chrysolite, with hornblende, augite, biotite, etc.
PICRITESpicrites n. Plural of picrite.
PICRITE n. a dark green igneous rock, consisting largely of chrysolite, with hornblende, augite, biotite, etc.
PICRITICpicritic adj. Relating to, or composed of, picrite.
PICRITIC adj. relating to picrite, a dark green igneous rock.
ANTICRIMEanticrime adj. Opposed to or aimed at preventing or punishing crime.
ANTICRIME adj. opposed to crime.
EPICRISESepicrises n. Plural of epicrisis.
EPICRISIS n. a secondary crisis occurring in the course of a disease.
EPICRISISepicrisis n. A critical or analytical study, evaluation, or summing up, especially of a medical case history.
epicrisis n. (Rhetoric) A quotation followed by a commentary.
epicrisis n. A commentary or annotation of a text.
EPICRITICepicritic adj. Of or relating to a class of neurons that detect gentle touches and light vibrations.
EPICRITIC adj. of certain sensory nerve fibres in the skin, able to discriminate accurately between small degrees of sensation.
MICRIFIEDMICRIFY v. to make small.
MICRIFIESMICRIFY v. to make small.
MIMICRIESmimicries n. Plural of mimicry.
MIMICRY n. an act of mimicking.
MICRIFYINGMICRIFY v. to make small.
CHLORPICRINchlorpicrin n. (Organic chemistry) A heavy, colourless, pungent liquid, CCl3.NO2, obtained by subjecting picric acid…
CHLORPICRIN n. a colorless liquid that causes tears and vomiting and is used esp. as a soil fumigant, also CHLOROPICRIN.
BIOMIMICRIESBIOMIMICRY n. the mimicry of one living organism by another.
CHLOROPICRINchloropicrin n. (Organic chemistry) The chlorinated derivative of nitromethane CCl3NO2 that is used as a pesticide and…
CHLOROPICRIN n. a colorless liquid that causes tears and vomiting and is used esp. as a soil fumigant, also CHLORPICRIN.
CHLORPICRINSCHLORPICRIN n. a colorless liquid that causes tears and vomiting and is used esp. as a soil fumigant, also CHLOROPICRIN.
CHLOROPICRINSchloropicrins n. Plural of chloropicrin.
CHLOROPICRIN n. a colorless liquid that causes tears and vomiting and is used esp. as a soil fumigant, also CHLORPICRIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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