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There are 19 words containing ICKO

CHICKORIESchickories n. Plural of chickory.
CHICKORY n. a perennial herb, also CHICORY, CHICCORY.
CHICKORYchickory n. Alternative spelling of chicory.
CHICKORY n. a perennial herb, also CHICORY, CHICCORY.
HICKORIEShickories n. Plural of hickory.
HICKORY n. a hardwood tree.
HICKORYhickory adj. Of or pertaining to the hickory tree or its wood.
hickory n. (Countable) Any of various deciduous hardwood trees of the genus Carya or Annamocarya.
hickory n. (Uncountable) The wood of these trees.
KICKOFFkickoff n. Alternative spelling of kick-off.
kick-off n. (Soccer, American football) The opening kick of each half of a game of football.
kick-off n. (By extension) The opening sequence of any event.
KICKOFFSkickoffs n. Plural of kickoff.
kick-offs n. Plural of kick-off.
KICKOFF n. a kick that begins play in football.
KICKOUTkickout n. (Surfing) A rapid turn performed by shifting one’s weight to the rear of the surfboard.
kickout n. (Basketball) A pass to another offensive player who immediately shoots for the basket.
kickout n. (Soccer) A kick made by the goalkeeper from the goal area.
KICKOUTSkickouts n. Plural of kickout.
KICKOUT n. in Gaelic football, a free kick to restart play after a goal or after the ball has gone out of play.
PICKOFFpickoff n. (Baseball) A play in which a pitcher throws a live ball to a fielder so that the fielder can tag out…
pick␣off v. (Literally) To remove by picking.
pick␣off v. To dispose of tasks, obstacles, opponents etc. precisely, one by one.
PICKOFFSpickoffs n. Plural of pickoff.
pick␣offs n. Plural of pick off.
PICKOFF n. a play in baseball.
SICKOsicko n. (Derogatory, slang) A person with unpleasant tastes, views or habits.
sicko n. (US, Canada, slang) A mentally ill person.
sicko n. A physically ill person.
SICKOSsickos n. Plural of sicko.
sick-os n. Plural of sick-o.
SICKO n. an emotionally sick person.
SICKOUTsickout n. A labor action where employees refuse to work, claiming they are sick.
SICKOUT n. an organized absence of workers claiming to be sick.
SICKOUTSsickouts n. Plural of sickout.
SICKOUT n. an organized absence of workers claiming to be sick.
STICKOUTstickout n. A portion of wire extending from an electrode, important in the welding process.
stick␣out v. To protrude; to extend beyond.
stick␣out v. (Idiomatic) To be prominent, noticeable, or obtrusive.
STICKOUTSstickouts n. Plural of stickout.
STICKOUT n. one who is conspicuous.
THICKOthicko n. (Chiefly Britain, derogatory, slang) A dimwit or idiot.
THICKO n. (colloquial) a stupid person, also THICKY, THICKIE.
THICKOESthickoes n. Plural of thicko.
THICKO n. (colloquial) a stupid person, also THICKY, THICKIE.
THICKOSthickos n. Plural of thicko.
THICKO n. (colloquial) a stupid person, also THICKY, THICKIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 170 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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