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There are 13 words containing ICIC

ICICLEicicle n. A drooping, tapering shape of ice.
ICICLE n. a hanging spike of ice.
ICICLEDicicled adj. Hung with icicles.
ICICLED adj. having an icicle.
ICICLESicicles n. Plural of icicle.
ICICLE n. a hanging spike of ice.
SILICICsilicic adj. Of, related to, or derived from silica.
SILICIC adj. relating to or obtained from silica; as, silicic acid.
OITICICAoiticica n. The tree Licania rigida, endemic to Brazil and Puerto Rico.
OITICICA n. (Tupi) any of several tropical South American trees, whose crushed seeds yield an oil used in paints and varnishes.
OITICICASoiticicas n. Plural of oiticica.
OITICICA n. (Tupi) any of several tropical South American trees, whose crushed seeds yield an oil used in paints and varnishes.
METASILICICmetasilicic adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Relating to metasilicic acid or its derivatives.
METASILICIC adj. applied to an acid (H2SiO3).
ORTHOSILICICorthosilicic adj. (Chemistry) Of, relating to or derived from orthosilicic acid.
ORTHOSILICIC adj. as in orthosilicic acid, a weak acid made in solution by acidifying solutions of silicates.
RADICICOLOUSradicicolous adj. That lives in or on the roots of plants.
RADICICOLOUS adj. inhabiting or parasitic on roots.
SILICICOLOUSsilicicolous adj. (Biology) That lives in a siliceous environment.
SILICICOLOUS adj. growing in silicate or sandy soil.
SERICICULTUREsericiculture n. Synonym of sericulture.
SERICICULTURE n. the cultivation of silkworms.
SERICICULTURESSERICICULTURE n. the cultivation of silkworms.
SERICICULTURISTsericiculturist n. Synonym of sericulturist.
SERICICULTURIST n. one who practises sericulture, the breeding of silkworms for silk production.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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