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There are 17 words containing ICET

NICETYnicety n. A small detail or distinction.
nicety n. Subtlety or precision of use; exactness; preciseness.
nicety n. Delicacy of character or feeling usually from excessive refinement; fastidiousness.
SALICETsalicet n. A pipe organ stop of 4-foot or 2-foot pitch.
SALICET n. an organ stop with a tone like that of a willow pipe, also SALICIONAL.
CRICETIDcricetid n. (Zoology) Any member of the Cricetidae, a family of rodents.
CRICETID n. a member of the Cricetidae, a family of rodents including gerbils.
INFICETEinficete adj. (Obsolete, formal) Lacking wit.
INFICETE adj. not facetious.
NICETIESniceties n. Plural of nicety.
NICETY n. a fine point or distinction.
SALICETAsaliceta n. Plural of salicetum.
SALICETUM n. (Latin) a willow plantation.
SALICETSsalicets n. Plural of salicet.
SALICET n. an organ stop with a tone like that of a willow pipe, also SALICIONAL.
SCILICETscilicet adv. Namely, to wit, as follows.
SCILICET adv. (Latin) to wit; namely.
VITICETAviticeta n. Plural of viticetum.
VITICETUM n. a plantation of vines.
CRICETIDScricetids n. Plural of cricetid.
CRICETID n. a member of the Cricetidae, a family of rodents including gerbils.
MYSTICETEmysticete n. (Zoology) Any of the baleen whales (of suborder Mysticeti).
MYSTICETE n. a species of whale.
SALICETUMsalicetum n. A group of willow trees.
SALICETUM n. (Latin) a willow plantation.
VIDELICETvidelicet adv. Namely, to wit, that is to say (used when clarifying or naming the preceding item or topic).
VIDELICET v. (Latin) that is to say, namely.
VITICETUMviticetum n. (Botany) A collection of vines.
VITICETUM n. a plantation of vines.
MYSTICETESmysticetes n. Plural of mysticete.
MYSTICETE n. a species of whale.
SALICETUMSsalicetums n. Plural of salicetum.
SALICETUM n. (Latin) a willow plantation.
VITICETUMSVITICETUM n. a plantation of vines.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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