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There are 20 words containing IBIO

EPIBIOSESepibioses n. Plural of epibiosis.
EPIBIOSIS n. any relationship between two organisms where one grows on the other but is not parasitic.
EPIBIOSISepibiosis n. (Biology) A relationship between two organisms, one of which lives or grows on the other, but is not parasitic on it.
EPIBIOSIS n. any relationship between two organisms where one grows on the other but is not parasitic.
EPIBIOTICepibiotic adj. Living on the surface of another organism.
EPIBIOTIC adj. relating to epibiosis, a relationship between two organisms where one grows on the other but is not parasitic.
AMPHIBIOUSamphibious adj. Capable of functioning on land or in water.
amphibious adj. Occurring on both land and water.
AMPHIBIOUS adj. adapted for both land and water.
ANTIBIOSESantibioses n. Plural of antibiosis.
ANTIBIOSIS n. a state of mutual antagonism between associated organisms.
ANTIBIOSISantibiosis n. (Ecology) An association between organisms that is detrimental (harmful) to one or more of them; especially…
ANTIBIOSIS n. a state of mutual antagonism between associated organisms.
ANTIBIOTICantibiotic n. (Pharmacology) Any substance that can destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria and similar microorganisms…
antibiotic adj. (Pharmacology) Of or relating to antibiotics.
antibiotic adj. (Obsolete) Of or relating to the theory that extraterrestrial life does not exist.
TIBIOTARSItibiotarsi n. Plural of tibiotarsus.
TIBIOTARSUS n. in birds, a bone formed by the fusion of the tibia and some of the tarsals.
AMPHIBIOTICamphibiotic adj. Describing insects that initially live in water but live on land as adults.
AMPHIBIOTIC adj. having an aquatic larval form and a terrestrial adult form, as amphibians.
ANTIBIOTICSantibiotics n. Plural of antibiotic.
ANTIBIOTIC n. a substance derived from a microorganism and able in dilute solution to inhibit or kill another microorganism.
TIBIOFIBULAtibiofibula n. A bone, in some reptiles, that is formed by fusion of the tibia and fibula.
TIBIOFIBULA n. a bone esp. in frogs and toads that is formed by a fusion of the tibia and fibula.
TIBIOTARSUStibiotarsus n. (Anatomy) The large bone between the femur and tarsometatarsus in the leg of a bird, formed by the union…
TIBIOTARSUS n. in birds, a bone formed by the fusion of the tibia and some of the tarsals.
TRIPHIBIOUStriphibious adj. (Of a craft) Capable of traveling on land, air and sea.
triphibious adj. (Military) Involving land, air and sea forces.
TRIPHIBIOUS adj. of military operations, taking place on land, in water and in air.
AMPHIBIOUSLYamphibiously adv. In the manner of an amphibian.
amphibiously adv. In an amphibious manner.
AMPHIBIOUS adv. adapted for both land and water.
TIBIOFIBULAEtibiofibulae n. Plural of tibiofibula.
TIBIOFIBULA n. a bone esp. in frogs and toads that is formed by a fusion of the tibia and fibula.
TIBIOFIBULAStibiofibulas n. Plural of tibiofibula.
TIBIOFIBULA n. a bone esp. in frogs and toads that is formed by a fusion of the tibia and fibula.
NONANTIBIOTICnonantibiotic n. A substance that is not an antibiotic.
NONANTIBIOTIC n. something that is not antibiotic.
AMPHIBIOUSNESSamphibiousness n. The state or quality of being amphibious.
AMPHIBIOUSNESS n. the state of being amphibious.
ANTIBIOTICALLYantibiotically adv. In terms of antibiotic effect.
antibiotically adv. By means of antibiotics.
ANTIBIOTIC adv. inhibiting to life.
NONANTIBIOTICSnonantibiotics n. Plural of nonantibiotic.
NONANTIBIOTIC n. something that is not antibiotic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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