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There are 15 words containing IACT

ADIACTINICadiactinic adj. (Chemistry) Not transmitting the actinic rays.
ADIACTINIC adj. denoting a substance that does not transmit radiation affecting photochemically sensitive materials, such as a safelight in a photographic darkroom.
DIACTDIACT n. a sponge spicule having two rays that develop in different directions from a single point of origin, also DIACTINE.
DIACTINALdiactinal adj. Having two rays.
diactinal adj. Relating to, or composed of diactines.
DIACTINAL adj. having two rays, also DIACT, DIACTINE.
DIACTINEdiactine adj. Diactinal; having two rays.
diactine n. A spicule (of a sponge) that has two pointed arms.
DIACTINE n. a sponge spicule having two rays that develop in different directions from a single point of origin, also DIACT.
DIACTINESdiactines n. Plural of diactine.
DIACTINE n. a sponge spicule having two rays that develop in different directions from a single point of origin, also DIACT.
DIACTINICdiactinic adj. (Physics) Capable of transmitting the chemical or actinic rays of light.
DIACTINIC adj. capable of transmitting actinic rays.
DIACTINISMDIACTINISM n. the ability to transmit photochemically active radiation.
DIACTINISMSDIACTINISM n. the ability to transmit photochemically active radiation.
DIACTSDIACT n. a sponge spicule having two rays that develop in different directions from a single point of origin, also DIACTINE.
TRIACTtriact adj. Having three rays; triactinal.
triact n. An organism having three rays.
TRIACT adj. three-rayed, also TRIACTINAL, TRIACTINE.
TRIACTINALtriactinal adj. Having three rays.
TRIACTINAL adj. three-rayed, also TRIACT, TRIACTINE.
TRIACTINEtriactine adj. Triactinal; having three rays.
triactine n. A triactinal spicule (of a sponge).
TRIACTINE adj. three-rayed, also TRIACT, TRIACTINAL.
TRIACTORTRIACTOR n. a wager whereby the bettor must pick the first three places in the correct order.
TRIACTORSTRIACTOR n. a wager whereby the bettor must pick the first three places in the correct order.
TRIACTStriacts n. Plural of triact.
TRIACT n. a three-rayed sponge spicule.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 37 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 11 words

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