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There are 20 nine-letter words containing IVIS

ACTIVISMSactivisms n. Plural of activism.
ACTIVISM n. a policy of direct action.
ACTIVISTSactivists n. Plural of activist.
ACTIVIST n. an advocate of activism.
ARCHIVISTarchivist n. One who is in charge of, or performs the task of creating, collecting, cataloguing, organising, and archives.
ARCHIVIST n. one who keeps an archive.
ARRIVISMEarrivisme n. (Sociology) The state or behaviour of an arriviste.
ARRIVISME n. (French) the state of being an arriviste, an upstart.
ARRIVISTEarriviste n. (Derogatory) An upstart or newcomer; nouveau riche; parvenu; an ambitious, brash or arrogant person…
ARRIVISTE n. (French) one that is a new and uncertain arrival (as in social position or artistic endeavor).
DIVIDIVISDIVIDIVI n. (Caribbean) the curved pods of a small tropical American tree, used for tanning and dyeing.
DIVISIBLEdivisible adj. Capable of being divided or split.
divisible adj. (Arithmetic) Of an integer, that, when divided by another integer, leaves no remainder.
divisible n. Any substance that can be divided.
DIVISIBLYdivisibly adv. In a way that is divisible.
DIVISIBLE adv. that can be divided, also DIVIDABLE.
DIVISIONSdivisions n. Plural of division.
divisions n. (UK, naval) A formal parade of a ship’s or shore establishment’s company.
DIVISION n. the act of dividing.
EMOTIVISMemotivism n. (Ethics) The meta-ethical stance that ethical judgments, such as those containing the words "should"…
EMOTIVISM n. the theory that moral statements are inherently biased.
INCIVISMSincivisms n. Plural of incivism.
INCIVISM n. neglect of duty as a citizen.
LACTIVISMlactivism n. The advocacy of breastfeeding, and especially of the right to nurse children in public.
LACTIVISM n. strong advocacy of breastfeeding as opposed to bottle-feeding.
LACTIVISTlactivist n. A supporter of breastfeeding, and especially of the right to nurse children in public; one who engages in lactivism.
LACTIVIST n. a person, esp. a woman, who advocates strongly the breastfeeding of children and is opposed to bottle-feeding.
NATIVISMSnativisms n. Plural of nativism.
NATIVISM n. the policy of favouring natives of a country.
NATIVISTSnativists n. Plural of nativist.
NATIVIST n. an advocate of nativism, the belief that the mind possesses inborn thoughts.
PASSIVISMpassivism n. The quality or principle of being passive.
PASSIVISM n. the doctrine of being passive.
PASSIVISTpassivist n. One who adopts a passive approach, or passivism.
PASSIVIST n. one who believes in passivism, the doctrine of being passive.
VIVISECTSvivisects v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vivisect.
VIVISECT v. to dissect the living body of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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