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There are 14 nine-letter words containing IOSI

ANABIOSISanabiosis n. (Biology) A state of suspended animation, especially during extreme drought; the act of recovering from this state.
ANABIOSIS n. a return to life after apparent death.
CARIOSITYcariosity n. (Medicine) caries.
CARIOSITY n. the state of being cariose.
CURIOSITYcuriosity n. (Uncountable) Inquisitiveness; the tendency to ask and learn about things by asking questions, investigating…
curiosity n. A unique or extraordinary object which arouses interest.
curiosity n. (Obsolete) Careful, delicate construction; fine workmanship, delicacy of building.
DUBIOSITYdubiosity n. (Rare) The state or characteristic of being dubious; a dubious assertion.
DUBIOSITY n. the state of being doubtful.
EBRIOSITYebriosity n. (Formal) Drunkenness or intoxication from alcohol, especially as a habitual state.
EBRIOSITY n. addiction to drink; habitual drunkenness.
EPIBIOSISepibiosis n. (Biology) A relationship between two organisms, one of which lives or grows on the other, but is not parasitic on it.
EPIBIOSIS n. any relationship between two organisms where one grows on the other but is not parasitic.
FURIOSITYfuriosity n. (Obsolete) furiousness; fury.
FURIOSITY n. madness.
PIOSITIESpiosities n. Plural of piosity.
PIOSITY n. an excessive show of piety.
SCOLIOSISscoliosis n. (Pathology) A condition in which there is abnormal lateral curvature of the spine.
SCOLIOSIS n. a lateral curvature of the spine.
SYMBIOSISsymbiosis n. A relationship of mutual benefit, especially among different species.
symbiosis n. (Biology) A close, prolonged association between two or more organisms of different species, regardless…
symbiosis n. The state of people of different types, races, cultures, communities, etc., living together.
TEDIOSITYtediosity n. (Obsolete) tediousness.
TEDIOSITY n. tediousness.
VIBRIOSISvibriosis n. (Pathology) Infection by bacteria of the genus Vibrio.
VIBRIOSIS n. infection with vibrionic bacteria.
VICIOSITYviciosity n. (Archaic, rare) viciousness.
VICIOSITY n. the state or character of being guilty of or devoted to vice or immorality, also VITIOSITY.
VITIOSITYvitiosity n. (Rare) viciousness.
VITIOSITY n. the state or character of being guilty of or devoted to vice or immorality, also VICIOSITY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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