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There are 16 nine-letter words containing IMPR

IMPRECATEimprecate v. (Transitive) To call down by prayer, as something hurtful or calamitous.
IMPRECATE v. to call down by prayer; to curse; to invoke evil on.
IMPRECISEimprecise adj. Not precise or exact; containing some error or uncertainty.
IMPRECISE adj. not precise, also UNPRECISE.
IMPREGNEDimpregned v. Simple past tense and past participle of impregn.
IMPREGN v. (archaic) to impregnate.
IMPRESARIimpresari n. Plural of impresario.
IMPRESARIO n. an organizer, promoter, or manager of public entertainments, such as a ballet, opera, concert, or theater company.
IMPRESSEDimpressed adj. Strongly affected, especially favourably.
impressed adj. Stamped, under pressure.
impressed adj. Compelled to serve in a military force.
IMPRESSERimpresser n. One who impresses.
IMPRESSER n. one who impresses.
IMPRESSESimpresses n. Plural of impress.
impresses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of impress.
IMPRESS v. to fix deeply in the mind.
IMPRINTEDimprinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of imprint.
imprinted adj. Stamped or impressed.
imprinted adj. (Genetics) Produced by or exhibiting imprinting; showing distinction by its origin from the paternal…
IMPRINTERimprinter n. A device that imprints.
imprinter n. A person who does imprinting with such a device.
imprinter n. An organism that imprints, or forms an attachment.
IMPRISONSimprisons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of imprison.
IMPRISON v. to confine in a prison.
IMPROBITYimprobity n. A lack of probity, honesty or integrity.
IMPROBITY n. dishonesty.
IMPROMPTUimpromptu adj. Improvised; without prior preparation, planning or rehearsal.
impromptu n. (Music) A short musical composition for an informal occasion often with the character of improvisation…
impromptu n. (By extension) Any composition, musical or otherwise, that is created on the spot without preparation.
IMPROVERSimprovers n. Plural of improver.
IMPROVER n. one who improves.
IMPROVINGimproving adj. That tends to improve someone or something (especially (dated) to educate or morally better a person).
improving v. Present participle of improve.
IMPROVE v. to make better.
IMPROVISEimprovise v. To make something up or invent it as one goes on; to proceed guided only by imagination, intuition…
IMPROVISE v. to compose and recite, or perform, without preparation.
IMPRUDENTimprudent adj. Not prudent; lacking prudence or discretion; indiscreet; injudicious; not paying attention to the consequences…
IMPRUDENT adj. not prudent, rash.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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