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There are 14 nine-letter words containing IGIT

DIGITALINdigitalin n. Any of a mixture of glycosides, extracted from the foxglove plant, that are used as cardiotonics.
DIGITALIN n. a drug extracted from foxglove, used for heart complaints.
DIGITALISdigitalis n. Any plant of the genus Digitalis (herbaceous plants of the Plantaginaceae family, including the foxglove…
digitalis n. (Medicine) A medical extract of Digitalis purpurea prescribed for heart failure etc.
Digitalis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Plantaginaceae – foxglove and similar plants.
DIGITALLYdigitally adv. In a digital manner.
DIGITAL adv. relating to digits.
DIGITATEDdigitated adj. Having digits; characterized by digitation.
digitated adj. (Botany) Having several leaflets arranged, like the fingers of the hand, at the extremity of a stem or petiole.
DIGITATED adj. of a leaf, divided into fingerlike parts, also DIGITATE.
DIGITISEDdigitised v. Simple past tense and past participle of digitise.
DIGITISE v. to put into digital form, also DIGITIZE.
DIGITISERdigitiser n. Alternative spelling of digitizer.
DIGITISER n. a device that converts analogue signals etc. to digital ones, also DIGITIZER.
DIGITISESdigitises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of digitise.
DIGITISE v. to put into digital form, also DIGITIZE.
DIGITIZEDdigitized v. Simple past tense and past participle of digitize.
digitized adj. That has been converted from analog to digital.
DIGITIZE v. to put into digital form, also DIGITISE.
DIGITIZERdigitizer n. A device that digitizes.
DIGITIZER n. a device that converts analogue signals etc. to digital ones, also DIGITISER.
DIGITIZESdigitizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of digitize.
DIGITIZE v. to put into digital form, also DIGITISE.
DIGITONINdigitonin n. (Organic chemistry) A glycoside, obtained from Digitalis purpurea, that is used as a detergent and whose…
DIGITONIN n. a steroid saponin occurring in the leaves and seeds of foxglove.
DIGITOXINdigitoxin n. (Organic chemistry) A toxic cardiac glycoside, obtained from digitalis, related to cardenolide.
DIGITOXIN n. a poisonous glycoside that is the most active ingredient of digitalin.
DIGITRONSdigitrons n. Plural of digitron.
DIGITRON n. (tradename) a type of tube for displaying information which can be lit by a low discharge.
DIGITULESdigitules n. Plural of digitule.
DIGITULE n. any small fingerlike process.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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