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There are 17 nine-letter words containing IENC

AMBIENCESambiences n. Plural of ambience.
AMBIENCE n. the mood or atmosphere of a place or situation, also AMBIANCE.
AUDIENCESaudiences n. Plural of audience.
AUDIENCE n. a group of listeners or spectators.
AUDIENCIAaudiencia n. (Historical) An appellate court of the Spanish empire.
AUDIENCIA n. (Spanish) a court of government or justice in the Spanish American empire.
ESURIENCEesurience n. The quality of being esurient; extreme gluttony or boundless hunger.
ESURIENCE n. greed, gluttony, also ESURIENCY.
ESURIENCYesuriency n. Synonym of esurience.
ESURIENCY n. greed, gluttony, also ESURIENCE.
INSCIENCEinscience n. (Obsolete) ignorance; the lack of knowledge.
INSCIENCE n. want of knowledge; ignorance.
LENIENCESleniences n. Plural of lenience.
LENIENCE n. the quality of being lenient, also LENIENCY.
NESCIENCEnescience n. The absence of knowledge, especially of orthodox beliefs.
nescience n. (Philosophy) The doctrine that nothing is actually knowable.
NESCIENCE n. lack of knowledge or awareness; the doctrine that nothing is truly knowable.
OBEDIENCEobedience n. The quality of being obedient.
obedience n. The collective body of persons subject to any particular authority.
obedience n. A written instruction from the superior of an order to those under him.
ORIENCIESORIENCY n. brightness or strength of color.
PATIENCESpatiences n. Plural of patience.
PATIENCE n. the quality of enduring calmly.
PRURIENCEprurience n. The quality of being prurient.
PRURIENCE n. the state of being prurient, also PRURIENCY.
PRURIENCYpruriency n. Prurience.
PRURIENCY n. the state of being prurient, also PRURIENCE.
SALIENCESsaliences n. Plural of salience.
SALIENCE n. a projecting feature or detail, also SALIENCY.
SAPIENCESsapiences n. Plural of sapience.
SAPIENCE n. discernment, judgement, also SAPIENCY.
SENTIENCEsentience n. The state or quality of being sentient; possession of consciousness or sensory awareness.
SENTIENCE n. the state of being sentient, also SENTIENCY.
SENTIENCYsentiency n. The property of having sensation; sentience.
SENTIENCY n. the state of being sentient, also SENTIENCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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