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There are 10 nine-letter words containing ICIO

CILICIOUScilicious adj. (Obsolete) Made, or consisting, of hair.
CILICIOUS adj. made, or consisting, of hair.
DELICIOUSdelicious adj. Pleasing to the sense of taste; tasty.
delicious adj. (Colloquial, figurative) Pleasing to a person’s taste; pleasing to the eyes or mind.
delicious adj. (Slang) Having tremendous sex appeal.
EPINICIONepinicion n. (Ancient Greece) A song or ode in celebration of triumph or victory.
EPINICION n. (Greek) an ode in honour of a victor or winner, also EPINIKIAN, EPINIKION.
JUDICIOUSjudicious adj. Having, characterized by, or done with good judgment or sound thinking.
JUDICIOUS adj. showing judgment.
MALICIOUSmalicious adj. Intending to do harm; characterized by spite and malice.
MALICIOUS adj. bearing ill-will or spite.
OFFICIOUSofficious adj. (Obsolete) Obliging, attentive, eager to please.
officious adj. Offensively intrusive or interfering in offering advice and services.
OFFICIOUS adj. volunteering one's services too eagerly.
SILICIOUSsilicious adj. Alternative spelling of siliceous.
SILICIOUS adj. consisting in a noteworthy part of silica, typically quartz, also SILICEOUS.
SUSPICIONsuspicion n. The act of suspecting something or someone, especially of something wrong.
suspicion n. The condition of being suspected.
suspicion n. Uncertainty, doubt.
VICIOSITYviciosity n. (Archaic, rare) viciousness.
VICIOSITY n. the state or character of being guilty of or devoted to vice or immorality, also VITIOSITY.
VICIOUSLYviciously adv. In a vicious manner; ferociously or maliciously.
VICIOUS adv. dangerously aggressive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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