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There are 16 eight-letter words containing ITRA

ARBITRALarbitral adj. Relating to arbitration.
ARBITRAL adj. in Scots law, of or relating to an arbiter or an arbitration.
BITRATESbitrates n. Plural of bitrate.
bit␣rates n. Plural of bit rate.
BITRATE n. the speed of data processing.
CITRANGEcitrange n. Citrus × insitorum, a hybrid of the sweet orange and the trifoliate orange.
CITRANGE n. a hybrid between citron and orange.
CITRATEDcitrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of citrate.
CITRATED adj. combined with a citrate, a salt or ester of citric acid.
CITRATEScitrates n. Plural of citrate.
citrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of citrate.
CITRATE n. a salt of citric acid.
NITRATEDnitrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of nitrate.
nitrated adj. Reacted, or treated with, nitric acid or a nitrate.
nitrated adj. (Of photographic material) Treated with silver nitrate.
NITRATESnitrates n. Plural of nitrate.
NITRATE v. to treat with nitrates.
NITRATORnitrator n. A reaction vessel in which nitration takes place.
nitrator n. A device for spreading nitrate fertilizer on the soil.
NITRATOR n. one that nitrates.
TITRABLEtitrable adj. Alternative form of titratable.
TITRABLE adj. capable of being titrated.
TITRANTStitrants n. Plural of titrant.
TITRANT n. the reagent used in titration.
TITRATEDtitrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of titrate.
TITRATE v. to measure the strength of a solution.
TITRATEStitrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of titrate.
TITRATE v. to measure the strength of a solution.
TITRATORtitrator n. (Analytic chemistry) A device that titrates, such as an automatic titrator.
titrator n. Synonym of titrant.
TITRATOR n. one who titrates.
VITRAGESvitrages n. Plural of vitrage.
VITRAGE n. (French) a thin curtain for windows or glazed doors.
VITRAINSvitrains n. Plural of vitrain.
VITRAIN n. a separable constituent of bright coal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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