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There are 14 eight-letter words containing ITIV

ADDITIVEadditive adj. (Mathematics) Pertaining to addition; that can be, or has been, added.
additive adj. (Mathematics, of a function, etc.) That is distributive over addition.
additive adj. (Group theory, of a group, semigroup, etc.) Whose operator is identified as addition.
AUDITIVEauditive adj. Of or relating to hearing; auditory.
AUDITIVE n. a group of listeners, also AUDITORY.
CAITIVEScaitives n. Plural of caitive.
CAITIVE n. (Spenser) a captive, subject, also CAITIFF.
FRUITIVEfruitive adj. (Obsolete) enjoying; possessing.
FRUITIVE adj. coming to fruition.
FUGITIVEfugitive n. A person who flees or escapes and travels secretly from place to place, and sometimes using disguises…
fugitive adj. Fleeing or running away; escaping.
fugitive adj. Transient, fleeting or ephemeral.
GENITIVEgenitive adj. (Grammar) Of or pertaining to that case (as the second case of Latin and Greek nouns) which expresses…
genitive n. (Grammar, uncountable) An inflection pattern (of any given language) that expresses origin or ownership…
genitive n. (Grammar, countable) A word inflected in the genitive case; a word indicating origin, ownership or possession.
LENITIVElenitive adj. Analgesic, able to reduce pain or suffering.
lenitive adj. Laxative; easing the bowels.
lenitive adj. (Of a person) Mild; gentle.
MONITIVEmonitive adj. Conveying admonition; admonitory.
MONITIVE adj. giving warning.
POSITIVEpositive adj. Not negative or neutral.
positive adj. (Law) Formally laid down.
positive adj. Stated definitively and without qualification.
PUNITIVEpunitive adj. (Law, military) Inflicting punishment; punishing.
PUNITIVE adj. relating to punishment, also PUNITORY.
TITIVATEtitivate v. To make small improvements or alterations to (One’s appearance etc.); to add some finishing touches…
TITIVATE v. to spruce up or adorn, also TIDIVATE, TITTIVATE.
TOTITIVEtotitive n. (Mathematics) Alternative form of totative.
TOTITIVE n. a number less than another and prime to it.
VOLITIVEvolitive adj. Of or pertaining the will or volition.
volitive adj. (Grammar, of a verb) In the volitive; expressing a wish.
volitive n. (Uncountable, linguistics) A verb form found in certain languages which indicates that a certain action…
VOMITIVEvomitive adj. (Medicine, pharmacology) Inducing vomiting.
vomitive n. (Medicine, pharmacology) Something that induces vomiting.
VOMITIVE n. a substance causing the ejection of matter from the stomach; an emetic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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