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There are 17 eight-letter words containing ISOL

ANISOLESanisoles n. Plural of anisole.
ANISOLE n. a colourless liquid ether.
CAMISOLEcamisole n. A short, sleeveless undergarment worn by women underneath a blouse, or as a form of short négligée.
camisole n. (Dated) A straitjacket.
camisole n. (Historical) A light jacket with sleeves.
CORTISOLcortisol n. (Biochemistry, steroids, pharmacology) Alternative form of hydrocortisone.
CORTISOL n. a hormone used to treat inflammatory and allergic conditions, aka hydrocortisone.
ISOLABLEisolable adj. Able to be isolated.
ISOLABLE adj. capable of being isolated, or of being obtained in a pure state; as, gold is isolable.
ISOLATEDisolated adj. Placed or standing apart or alone; in isolation.
isolated adj. Happening or occurring only once.
isolated adj. (Chess, of a pawn) Such that no pawn of the same color is in an adjacent file.
ISOLATESisolates n. Plural of isolate.
isolates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of isolate.
ISOLATE v. to set apart from others.
ISOLATORisolator n. An electrical device that detects short circuits and isolates them.
isolator n. A device that isolates something from the surrounding environment to keep it sterile.
isolator n. A transparent box for holding small live animals.
ISOLEADSisoleads n. Plural of isolead.
ISOLEAD n. a line on a ballistic graph.
ISOLEXESisolexes n. Plural of isolex.
ISOLEX n. a line delineating a geographical region where a vocabulary item is used.
ISOLINESisolines n. Plural of isoline.
ISOLINE n. a map line indicating points of equal value, also ISOGRAM.
ISOLOGUEisologue n. (Chemistry) An isologous substance.
ISOLOGUE n. an organic compound with similar molecular structure to another but containing different atoms of the same valency, also ISOLOG.
MISOLOGYmisology n. Hatred or fear of reasoning or argument.
MISOLOGY n. a hatred of debate or reasoning.
PISOLITEpisolite n. (Geology) A sedimentary rock formed from pisoids.
PISOLITE n. a limestone with pea sized formations in circles, also PISOLITH.
PISOLITHpisolith n. A pisoid.
pisolith n. A pisolite.
PISOLITH n. a limestone with pea sized formations in circles, also PISOLITE.
RISOLUTOrisoluto adv. (Music) (To be played) boldly, resolutely.
RISOLUTO adv. (Italian) with emphasis, boldly.
ULTISOLSultisols n. Plural of ultisol.
ULTISOL n. a reddish-yellow acid soil.
VERTISOLvertisol n. (Soil science) A clay soil, containing a high content of montmorillonite, that forms deep cracks in drier conditions.
VERTISOL n. a type of clayey soil.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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