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There are 20 eight-letter words containing INOS

ANGINOSEanginose adj. (Dated) Relating to angina; anginous.
ANGINOSE adj. relating to angina.
BAMBINOSbambinos n. Plural of bambino.
BAMBINO n. (Italian) a child.
CASSINOScassinos n. Plural of cassino.
CASSINO n. a card game, played by two or more persons, usually for twenty-one points.
CLARINOSclarinos n. Plural of clarino.
CLARINO n. (Italian) the highest register of a trumpet in baroque music.
DINOSAURdinosaur n. (Sciences) any of the animals belonging to the clade Dinosauria, especially those that existed during…
dinosaur n. (Colloquial) any member of the clade Dinosauria other than birds.
dinosaur n. (Proscribed) Any extinct reptile, not necessarily belonging to Dinosauria, that existed between about…
EPINOSICepinosic adj. Unhealthy.
EPINOSIC adj. (Greek) unhealthy, unwholesome.
FARINOSEfarinose adj. Yielding or related to farina.
farinose adj. (Botany, zoology) Covered with a sort of white, mealy powder, like the leaves of some poplars, and the…
FARINOSE adj. resembling or yielding flour.
INOSINESinosines n. Plural of inosine.
INOSINE n. a compound of hypoxanthine and ribose.
INOSITESinosites n. Plural of inosite.
INOSITE n. an alcohol found in plant and animal tissue, also INOSITOL.
INOSITOLinositol n. (Biochemistry) A simple sugar alcohol (hexahydroxycyclohexane, chemical formula: C6H12O6) which occurs…
INOSITOL n. an alcohol found in plant and animal tissue, also INOSITE.
LAMINOSELAMINOSE adj. composed of laminae, also LAMINOUS.
MESTINOSmestinos n. Plural of mestino.
MESTINO n. (Spanish) a person of mixed ancestry, also MESTIZO, MESTESO.
PHOTINOSphotinos n. Plural of photino.
PHOTINO n. a hypothetical elementary particle.
PIANINOSpianinos n. Plural of pianino.
PIANINO n. (Italian) a small piano, a pianette.
PRUINOSEpruinose adj. (Botany) Having a very fine whitish powder (bloom) on a surface.
pruinose adj. (Zoology, entomology) Covered with a very fine whitish layer of wax particles.
PRUINOSE adj. having a powdery covering.
RONDINOSrondinos n. Plural of rondino.
RONDINO n. (Italian) a short rondo.
TONDINOStondinos n. Plural of tondino.
TONDINO n. (Italian) a circular moulding.
TROMINOStrominos n. Plural of tromino.
TROMINO n. a flat, three-sided shape.
VINOSITYvinosity n. The quality or state of being vinous, or of having some essential characteristic of wine.
VINOSITY n. the character of a wine.
VOLPINOSVolpinos n. Plural of Volpino.
VOLPINO n. (Italian) a small Italian dog with long straight hair.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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