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There are 14 eight-letter words containing INNA

BINNACLEbinnacle n. (Nautical) The wooden housing for a ship’s compass, with its corrector magnets and illuminating arrangements…
binnacle n. The instrument cluster on a car or motorcycle.
BINNACLE n. a casing for a ship's compass, also BITTACLE.
CINNABARcinnabar n. A deep red mineral, mercuric sulfide, HgS; the principal ore of mercury; such ore used as the pigment vermilion.
cinnabar n. A bright red colour tinted with orange.
cinnabar n. (Countable) A species of moth, Tyria jacobaeae, having red patches on its predominantly black wings.
CINNAMICcinnamic adj. Of or pertaining to cinnamon.
cinnamic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of or pertaining to cinnamic acid or its derivatives.
CINNAMIC adj. pertaining to, or obtained from, cinnamon, also CINNAMONIC.
CINNAMONcinnamon n. (Countable) A small evergreen tree native to Sri Lanka and southern India, Cinnamomum verum or Cinnamomum…
cinnamon n. Several related trees, notably the Indonesian cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanni) and Chinese cinnamon or…
cinnamon n. (Chiefly uncountable) A spice from the dried aromatic bark of the cinnamon tree, either rolled into…
CINNAMYLcinnamyl n. (Organic chemistry, especially in combination) The univalent radical C6H5-CH=CH-CH2- characteristic…
CINNAMYL n. a radical found in cinnamic compounds.
FINNACKSfinnacks n. Plural of finnack.
FINNACK n. (Gaelic) a young seatrout, also FINNAC, FINNOCK, PHINNOCK.
INNATELYinnately adv. In an innate manner, referring to a property that is possessed merely by its nature.
INNATE adv. inborn.
INNATIVEinnative adj. (Obsolete) native.
INNATIVE adj. native.
PINNACESpinnaces n. Plural of pinnace.
PINNACE n. a small vessel with oars and sails.
PINNACLEpinnacle n. The highest point.
pinnacle n. (Geology) A tall, sharp and craggy rock or mountain.
pinnacle n. (Figuratively) An all-time high; a point of greatest achievement or success.
PINNATEDpinnated adj. Pinnate.
PINNATED adj. resembling a feather, also PINNATE.
QUINNATSquinnats n. Plural of quinnat.
QUINNAT n. (Native American) a fish, the king-salmon.
WINNABLEwinnable adj. Able to be won or achieved.
WINNABLE adj. able to be won.
WINNARDSwinnards n. Plural of winnard.
WINNARD n. (dialect) a heron.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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