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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing INEA

BILINEARbilinear adj. (Linear algebra, of a function in two variables) Linear (preserving linear combinations) in each variable.
bilinear adj. (Complex analysis, physics, engineering) Of or pertaining to a Möbius transformation (type of conformal…
bilinear n. (Linear algebra) A bilinear function.
CHIMINEAchiminea n. Alternative spelling of chimenea.
CHIMINEA n. a freestanding fireplace for outdoor use.
CINEASTEcineaste n. Alternative spelling of cineast.
CINEASTE n. (French) a devotee of motion pictures, also CINEAST.
CINEASTScineasts n. Plural of cineast.
CINEAST n. (French) a devotee of motion pictures, also CINEASTE.
COLINEARcolinear adj. Alternative spelling of collinear.
COLINEAR adj. lying in the same straight line.
DULCINEAdulcinea n. Sweetheart, ladylove.
Dulcinea n. (Obsolete) A mistress; a sweetheart.
DULCINEA n. a sweetheart.
FAINEANTfaineant n. An irresponsible or lazy person.
fainéant n. Alternative spelling of faineant.
FAINEANT n. (French) a lazy person.
FINEABLEfineable adj. For which a fine can be levied.
FINEABLE adj. subject to the payment of a fine, also FINABLE.
INEARTHSinearths v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inearth.
INEARTH v. (archaic) to inter.
LINEABLElineable adj. Able to be lined.
LINEABLE adj. that can be lined, also LINABLE.
LINEAGESlineages n. Plural of lineage.
LINEAGE n. direct descent from an ancestor, also LIGNAGE, LYNAGE.
LINEALLYlineally adv. (Genealogy) By direct descent.
LINEAL adv. being directly descended from ancestor.
LINEARLYlinearly adv. In a linear manner.
linearly adv. In a straight line.
linearly adv. Sequentially in time; chronologically.
LINEATEDlineated adj. Alternative form of lineate.
LINEATED adj. marked with lines, also LINEATE.
MINEABLEmineable adj. Alternative spelling of minable.
MINEABLE adj. able to be mined, also MINABLE.
MOINEAUSmoineaus n. Plural of moineau.
MOINEAU n. (French) a small flat bastion to protect a fortress under construction.
PERINEALperineal adj. Referring to the region of the perineum.
PERINEAL adj. relating to a perineum.
UNLINEALunlineal adj. Not lineal; not of a family line.
UNLINEAL adj. not lineal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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