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There are 13 eight-letter words containing ILLU

BACILLUSbacillus n. Any of various rod-shaped, spore-forming aerobic bacteria in the genus Bacillus, some of which cause disease.
bacillus n. Any bacilliform (rod-shaped) bacterium.
bacillus n. (Figurative, by extension) Something which spreads like bacterial infection.
CHILLUMSchillums n. Plural of chillum.
CHILLUM n. (Hindi) the part of a hookah water-pipe containing the bowl and tobacco-balls.
ILLUDINGilluding v. Present participle of illude.
ILLUDE v. to trick.
ILLUMINEillumine v. Synonym of illuminate.
ILLUMINE v. to throw light upon, also ENLUMINE.
ILLUMINGilluming v. Present participle of illume.
ILLUME v. to light up.
ILLUSIONillusion n. (Countable) Anything that seems to be something that it is not.
illusion n. (Countable) A misapprehension; a belief in something that is in fact not true.
illusion n. (Countable) A magician’s trick.
ILLUSIVEillusive adj. Subject to or pertaining to an illusion, often used in the sense of an unrealistic expectation or an…
ILLUSIVE adj. based on illusion, also ILLUSORY.
ILLUSORYillusory adj. Resulting from an illusion; deceptive, imaginary, unreal.
ILLUSORY adj. based on illusion, also ILLUSIVE.
ILLUVIALilluvial adj. Of, pertaining to, or formed by illuviation.
ILLUVIAL adj. relating to illuvium, material removed from soil layer by rainwater and deposited in lower layer.
ILLUVIUMilluvium n. (Geology) material displaced across a soil profile, from one layer to another, by the action of rainwater.
ILLUVIUM n. material removed from the soil layer by rainwater and deposited in a lower layer.
LAPILLUSlapillus n. A fragment of lava ejected from a volcano.
lapillus n. (Zoology) One of the otoliths in finfish.
LAPILLUS n. (Latin) a small stone ejected by volcanic eruption.
REILLUMEreillume v. (Archaic) To light again; to reilluminate.
REILLUME v. to light again.
VEXILLUMvexillum n. A flag, banner, or standard.
vexillum n. A company of troops serving under one standard.
vexillum n. The sign of the cross.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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