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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing IFTI

CLIFTIERCLIFTY adj. broken into cliffs.
DRIFTIERdriftier adj. Comparative form of drifty: more drifty.
DRIFTY adj. full of masses of wind-driven snow.
DRIFTINGdrifting adj. Moving aimlessly or at the mercy of external forces.
drifting adj. Without direction, focus, or goal.
drifting n. The act by which something drifts.
FIFTIETHfiftieth adj. The ordinal form of the number fifty.
fiftieth n. The person or thing in the fiftieth position.
fiftieth n. One of fifty equal parts of a whole.
GIFTINGSgiftings n. Plural of gifting.
GIFTING n. the act of making a gift.
GRIFTINGgrifting v. Present participle and gerund of grift.
GRIFT v. (US) to swindle.
NIFTIESTniftiest adj. Superlative form of nifty: most nifty.
NIFTY adj. apt, agile; stylish.
RIFTIESTRIFTY adj. having fissures.
SHIFTIERshiftier adj. Comparative form of shifty: more shifty.
SHIFTY adj. evasive.
SHIFTILYshiftily adv. In a shifty manner.
SHIFTY adv. evasive.
SHIFTINGshifting n. A shift or change; a shifting movement.
shifting n. (Linguistics) The phenomenon by which two or more constituents appearing on the same side of their common…
shifting v. Present participle of shift.
SIFTINGSsiftings n. Plural of sifting.
siftings n. The material which falls through a sieve.
SIFTING n. the act of sifting.
SNIFTIERSNIFTY adj. (slang) having a tempting smell.
SNIFTINGsnifting v. Present participle of snift.
SNIFT v. to sniff, to blow out steam.
SWIFTIESswifties n. Plural of swiftie.
swifties n. Plural of swifty.
Swifties n. Plural of Swiftie.
SWIFTINGSWIFT v. to tighten with a rope.
WIFTIESTWIFTY adj. ditsy, amiably eccentric.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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