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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing IETI

DIETINESdietines n. Plural of dietine.
DIETINE n. a minor or local diet, assembly.
DIETINGSdietings n. Plural of dieting.
DIETING n. the act of dieting.
DIETISTSdietists n. Plural of dietist.
DIETIST n. an expert on diet, also DIETICIAN, DIETITIAN.
GAIETIESgaieties n. Plural of gaiety.
GAIETY n. festive activity, also GAYETY.
MOIETIESmoieties n. Plural of moiety.
moieties n. (Obsolete) plural of moietie.
MOIETY n. a half, also MOYITY.
PIETISMSpietisms n. Plural of pietism.
PIETISM n. unquestioning or dogmatic religious devotion.
PIETISTSpietists n. Plural of pietist.
Pietists n. Plural of Pietist.
PIETIST n. a person characterized by or professing (often affected or exaggerated) piety.
QUIETINGquieting v. Present participle of quiet.
quieting n. The act of making something quiet.
QUIETING n. the act of making quiet.
QUIETISMquietism n. A form of mysticism involving quiet contemplation.
quietism n. A state of passive quietness.
Quietism n. Alternative form of quietism (form of mysticism)…
QUIETISTquietist n. A mystic who follows quietism.
quietist n. Someone who is not socially or politically active.
QUIETIST n. one who believes in quietism.
QUIETIVEquietive adj. Tending to quieten or make passive.
quietive n. Something that quietens; a sedative.
QUIETIVE n. a sedative.
RABIETICrabietic adj. (Dated) rabid; affected with rabies.
RABIETIC adj. suffering from rabies, an infectious viral disease.
SOVIETICSovietic adj. Synonym of Soviet.
SOVIETIC adj. of or like a soviet.
UBIETIESubieties n. Plural of ubiety.
UBIETY n. the state of having a definite location.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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