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There are 11 eight-letter words containing IARD

BILLIARDbilliard n. A shot in billiards or snooker in which the cue ball strikes two other balls; a carom.
billiard n. (Attributive) Pertaining to the game of billiards.
billiard n. A dynamical system in which a particle alternates between motion in a straight line and specular reflections…
GALLIARDgalliard n. A lively dance, popular in 16th- and 17th-century Europe.
galliard n. (Music) The triple-time music for this dance.
galliard n. (Dated) A brisk, merry person.
GIARDIASGIARDIA n. a parasitic protozoan inhabiting the intestines.
GOLIARDSgoliards n. Plural of goliard.
Goliards n. Plural of Goliard.
GOLIARD n. (historical) a wandering scholar in the Middle Ages, known for riotous behaviour and satirical Latin poems lampooning the church.
GOLIARDYGOLIARDY n. boisterous, irreverent behaviour.
HALLIARDhalliard n. Alternative spelling of halyard.
HALLIARD n. a line used to hoist a sail, also HALYARD, HAULYARD.
LANIARDSlaniards n. Plural of laniard.
LANIARD n. a fastening rope on a ship, also LANYARD.
MILLIARDmilliard num. (Now rare) 109, a thousand (times a) million. (Now generally replaced by the short scale billion.)
MILLIARD n. (French) a thousand million.
PALLIARDpalliard n. (Archaic) A beggar or vagrant, especially a professional one; (earlier especially) a lecher.
PALLIARD n. (obsolete) a professional beggar; a vagabond.
PONIARDSponiards n. Plural of poniard.
poniards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of poniard.
PONIARD v. to stab with a small dagger.
WHINIARDwhiniard n. Obsolete form of whinyard. (sword)
WHINIARD n. (historical) a short sword or dirk, also WHINYARD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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