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There are 8 seven-letter words containing ISOM

CHRISOMchrisom n. (Historical) A white cloth, anointed with chrism, or a white mantle thrown over a child when baptized or christened.
chrisom n. Short for chrisom child.
CHRISOM n. a white robe put on a newly baptised child, also CHRISTOM.
DISOMICdisomic adj. Having one or more chromosomes present twice, but without having the entire genome doubled.
disomic adj. In allotetraploids, relating to inheritance that involves pairing of homologous chromosomes from the…
disomic n. Such an organism.
EPISOMEepisome n. (Cytology) A segment of DNA that can exist and replicate either autonomously in the cytoplasm or as…
episome n. Synonym of epitheca.
EPISOME n. a genetically active particle found in bacteria.
ISOMEREisomere n. (Chemistry) Archaic form of isomer.
ISOMERE n. a body or compound which is isomeric with another body or compound, also ISOMER.
ISOMERSisomers n. Plural of isomer.
ISOMER n. a body or compound which is isomeric with another body or compound, also ISOMERE.
NOISOMEnoisome adj. (Literary) Morally hurtful or noxious.
noisome adj. (Literary) Hurtful or noxious to health; unwholesome, insalubrious.
noisome adj. (Literary) Offensive to the senses; disgusting, unpleasant, nauseous, especially having an undesirable smell.
TRISOMEtrisome n. (Cytology) A chromosome which is represented three times instead of the usual two.
TRISOME n. a chromosome that occurs three times in a cell instead of twice, also TRISOMIC.
TRISOMYtrisomy n. (Cytology) The presence of three copies, instead of the normal two, of a particular chromosome of an organism.
TRISOMY n. the condition of being a trisome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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