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There are 7 seven-letter words containing IGEN

ANTIGENantigen n. (Immunology) A substance that induces an immune response, usually foreign.
ANTIGEN n. a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies, also ANTIGENE.
BIGENERBIGENER n. (Latin) a hybrid between genera.
EPIGENEepigene adj. (Crystallography) Foreign; unusual; not natural to the substance in which it was found.
epigene adj. (Mineralogy) Of or pertaining to the region just below the surface of the earth.
EPIGENE adj. taking place near the earth's surface.
EXIGENTexigent adj. Urgent; pressing; needing immediate action.
exigent adj. Demanding; requiring great effort.
exigent n. (Archaic) Extremity; end; limit; pressing urgency.
INDIGENindigen n. An indigene or native.
indigen n. (Botany) A plant known to be indigenous to a region, rather than a cultigen.
INDIGEN n. one born in a country; an aboriginal animal or plant, also INDIGENE.
LUCIGENlucigen n. (Historical) A kind of oil lamp using compressed air.
LUCIGEN n. a lamp burning oil mixed with air in a spray.
MUCIGENmucigen n. (Physiology) A substance formed in mucous epithelial cells that gives rise to mucin.
MUCIGEN n. a substance secreted by the cells of mucus membrane, also MUCINOGEN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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