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There are 9 seven-letter words containing IFIC

EDIFICEedifice n. A building; a structure; an architectural fabric, especially a large and spectacular one.
edifice n. An abstract structure; a school of thought.
EDIFICE n. a building.
MIRIFICmirific adj. (Rare, literary) Working wonders; wonderful.
MIRIFIC adj. working wonders; marvellous, also MIRIFICAL.
MOTIFICmotific adj. Producing motion.
motific adj. Of or relating to a motif or motifs.
MOTIFIC adj. producing motion.
OMNIFIComnific adj. Capable of making or doing anything; all-creating.
OMNIFIC adj. (Latin) unlimited in creative power.
ORIFICEorifice n. A mouth or aperture, such as of a tube, pipe, etc.; an opening.
ORIFICE n. an opening, esp. anatomical.
OSSIFICossific adj. Capable of producing bone; having the power to change cartilage or other tissue into bone.
OSSIFIC adj. capable of producing bone; having the power to change cartilage or other tissue into bone.
PACIFICpacific adj. Calm, peaceful.
pacific adj. Preferring peace by nature; avoiding violence.
Pacific prop.n. The Pacific Ocean.
SEBIFICsebific adj. (Entomology) relating to the fatty fluid secreted by insects from the colleterium in order to cement eggs together.
SEBIFIC adj. producing fatty matter.
VIVIFICvivific adj. Giving life; reviving; enlivening.
VIVIFIC adj. vivifying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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