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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 9 seven-letter words containing IBLI

AIBLINSaiblins adv. (Northern England) Perhaps, maybe.
AIBLINS adv. (dialect) perhaps, also ABLINS, ABLINGS.
BIBLIKEbiblike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a bib.
BIBLIKE adj. resembling a bib.
BIBLISTbiblist n. One who holds the Bible as the sole rule of faith.
biblist n. A biblical scholar; a biblicist.
BIBLIST n. one skilled in biblical learning.
GHIBLISghiblis n. Plural of ghibli.
GHIBLI n. (Arabic) the name in Libya of the scirocco, a hot, dry, dusty wind, also GIBLI.
NIBLICKniblick n. (Golf, dated) A metal-headed golf club with a large highly lofted head. Replaced by a sand iron or wedge…
niblick v. (Golf, transitive, intransitive) To strike, or take a shot, with a niblick.
NIBLICK n. an iron-headed golf club with a steeply angled face, for playing out of bunkers.
NIBLIKEniblike adj. Resembling or characteristic of the nib of a pen.
niblike adj. (UK, slang, obsolete) Gentlemanly.
NIBLIKE adj. like a nib.
QUIBLINQUIBLIN n. (obsolete) a quibble, also QUILLET.
RIBLIKEriblike adj. Resembling, or functioning like, a rib.
RIBLIKE adj. like a rib.
SIBLINGsibling n. A person who shares a parent; one’s brother or sister who one shares a parent with.
sibling n. (Computing theory) A node in a data structure that shares its parent with another node.
sibling n. (Taxonomy) The most closely related species, or one of several most closely related species when none…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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