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There are 19 six-letter words containing ITCH

BITCHYbitchy adj. (Colloquial) Spiteful or malevolent; catty; malicious; unpleasant.
bitchy adj. (Colloquial) Irritable.
BITCHY adj. catty.
FITCHEfitché adj. Alternative form of fitchy.
FITCHE adj. in heraldry, coming to a point, also FITCHY, FITCHEE.
FITCHYfitchy adj. (Heraldry) Sharpened to a point; pointed.
FITCHY adj. in heraldry, coming to a point, also FITCHE, FITCHEE.
FLITCHflitch n. The flank or side of an animal, now almost exclusively a pig when cured and salted; a side of bacon.
flitch n. A piece or strip cut off of something else, generally a piece of wood (timber).
flitch v. (Transitive) To cut into, or off in, flitches or strips.
GLITCHglitch n. (Countable) A problem affecting function.
glitch n. (Countable, informal, engineering) An unexpected behavior in an electrical signal, especially if the…
glitch n. (Video games) A bug or an exploit.
HITCHYhitchy adj. Irregular; uneven; moving or progressing in jerks or spurts.
HITCHY adj. inclined to catch.
ITCHEDitched v. Simple past tense and past participle of itch.
ITCH v. to have an irritating sensation in the skin.
ITCHESitches n. Plural of itch.
itches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of itch.
ITCH v. to have an irritating sensation in the skin.
KNITCHknitch n. (Archaic, dialectal) A small bundle.
KNITCH n. a bundle of wood.
LITCHIlitchi n. Synonym of lychee.
Litchi prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Sapindaceae – lychee.
LITCHI n. (Chinese) the edible fruit of a Chinese tree, also LEECHEE, LICHEE, LICHI, LYCHEE.
PITCHYpitchy adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling pitch.
pitchy adj. Very dark black; pitch-black.
pitchy adj. (Music) Off pitch; out of tune.
QUITCHquitch v. (Transitive, obsolete) To shake (something); to stir, move.
quitch v. (Intransitive, now UK, regional) To stir; to move.
quitch v. (Intransitive) To flinch; shrink.
SKITCHskitch v. (Intransitive) To hitch a ride by holding on to a motor vehicle while riding on a skateboard, roller…
SKITCH v. (New Zealand) of a dog, to catch.
SNITCHsnitch v. (Intransitive) To inform on, especially in betrayal of others.
snitch v. (Slang, intransitive) To contact or cooperate with the police for any reason.
snitch v. (Dated, transitive) To steal, quickly and quietly.
STITCHstitch n. A single pass of a needle in sewing; the loop or turn of the thread thus made.
stitch n. An arrangement of stitches in sewing, or method of stitching in some particular way or style.
stitch n. (Countable and uncountable) An intense stabbing pain under the lower edge of the ribcage, brought on by exercise.
SWITCHswitch n. A device to turn electric current on and off or direct its flow.
switch n. A change or exchange.
switch n. (Rail transport, US) A movable section of railroad track which allows the train to be directed down…
TITCHYtitchy adj. Alternative form of tetchy: touchy, easily annoyed, irritated, or offended.
titchy adj. (Informal) Tiny, very small.
TITCHY adj. very small, also TICHY, TITCHIE.
TWITCHtwitch n. A brief, small (sometimes involuntary) movement out of place and then back again; a spasm.
twitch n. (Informal) Action of spotting or seeking out a bird, especially a rare one.
twitch n. (Farriery) A stick with a hole in one end through which passes a loop, which can be drawn tightly over…
WITCHYwitchy adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of witches; witchlike.
WITCHY adj. malicious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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