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There are 11 six-letter words containing ISER

GUISERguiser n. A person in disguise, as for a parade or festival.
GUISER n. a person in disguise; a masker; a mummer, also GUISARD, GUIZER.
KAISERkaiser n. Alternative form of Kaiser.
Kaiser n. An emperor of a German-speaking country, particularly the Holy Roman Empire (962–1806), the Austrian…
Kaiser n. (By extension) Any emperor or autocrat, or one who attempts to be one.
MISEREmisère n. (Card games, whist and others) A bid to lose every trick, or the majority of tricks, with no trumps.
misère adj. Played according to the reverse of the usual winning convention.
misère adj. In which a player unable to move wins.
MISERSmisers n. Plural of miser.
Misers prop.n. Plural of Miser.
MISER n. one who hoards money greedily.
MISERYmisery n. Great unhappiness; extreme pain of body or mind; wretchedness; distress; woe.
misery n. (US and UK, dialects) A bodily ache or pain.
misery n. Cause of misery; calamity; misfortune.
MOISERmoiser n. Alternative form of moser.
MOISER n. (Yiddish) an informer.
POISERpoiser n. One who poises or balances something.
poiser n. The balancer of dipterous insects.
POISER n. the balancer of dipterous insects.
PRISERpriser n. A tool for prising something open.
priser n. Obsolete form of prizer.
PRISER n. a contestant for a prize, also PRIZER.
RAISERraiser n. A person or thing that raises.
raiser n. A kind of armchair with a standing-up system.
raiser n. (Architecture) The upright board on the front of a step in a flight of steps.
RISERSrisers n. Plural of riser.
Risers prop.n. Plural of Riser.
RISER n. a rod securing a stair-carpet.
SEISERseiser n. Obsolete form of seizer.
SEISER n. one who seizes (property), takes possession, also SEISOR, SEIZER, SEIZOR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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