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There are 11 six-letter words containing IRIN

AIRINGairing v. Present participle of air.
airing n. (Countable) An exposure to warm or fresh air.
airing n. (Countable) The broadcast of a television or radio show.
FIRINGfiring n. (Ceramics) The process of applying heat or fire, especially to clay, etc., to produce pottery.
firing n. The fuel for a fire.
firing n. The act of adding fuel to a fire.
HIRINGhiring v. Present participle of hire.
hiring n. The act by which an employee is hired.
hiring n. (Historical) A fair or market where servants were engaged.
KEIRINkeirin n. (Cycle racing) A form of track cycling originating in Japan, where riders must initially race behind…
KEIRIN n. an 8-lap track cycling event in which the riders follow a motorcycle pacer, also KEIREN.
MIRINGmiring v. Present participle of mire.
MIRE v. to sink in mud.
MIRINSmirins n. Plural of mirin.
MIRIN n. (Japanese) a sweet rice wine used in Japanese cooking.
SIRINGsiring v. Present participle of sire.
siring n. An act of procreation, especially between animals.
SIRING n. the act of begetting.
TIRINGtiring v. Present participle of tire.
tiring n. (Uncountable) The action of tiring.
tiring n. (Falconry) Bits of bone and tough organic material from a corpse given to hawks to abate their hunger.
VIRINGviring v. Present participle of vire.
VIRE v. to transfer funds by virement.
VIRINOvirino n. (Biology) A hypothetical infectious particle, consisting of nucleic acids in a protective coat of host…
VIRINO n. a hypothetical particle said to be the cause of BSE.
WIRINGwiring v. Present participle of wire.
wiring n. A mass of electric wires.
WIRING n. a system of electric wires.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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