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There are 11 six-letter words containing IMIN

AIMINGaiming v. Present participle of aim.
aiming n. The act of one who aims.
AIM v. to direct a course.
BIMINIbimini n. A lightweight cover, usually made of fabric stretched on a metal frame which is readily removable, for…
Bimini prop.n. Ellipsis of Bimini Islands.; An island group in the Bahamas, Atlantic Ocean, politically considered…
Bimini prop.n. A district of the Bahamas, the westernmost district.
IMINESimines n. Plural of imine.
IMINE n. a chemical compound.
JIMINYJIMINY interj. an interjection expressing surprise, also GEMINI, GEMONY, JIMMINY.
LIMINAlimina n. Plural of limen.
LIMEN n. (Latin) a threshold, a limit below which a stimulus becomes imperceptible.
LIMINGliming v. Present participle of lime.
liming v. (Caribbean, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, slang) hanging around, usually in a public place with friends…
liming n. An application of lime (calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide).
MIMINGmiming v. Present participle of mime.
miming n. A performance in mime.
MIME v. to mimic.
RIMINGriming v. Present participle of rime.
riming adj. (Rare) That rimes (i.e., covers with rime or hoar frost) something.
riming n. (Ireland, now rare, done to wool or yarn) The action or process of dying red-brown by steeping in water…
SAIMINsaimin n. A Hawaiian noodle soup garnished with green onions.
SAIMIN n. (Chinese) a Hawaiian noodle soup.
TIMINGtiming n. (Countable, obsolete) An occurrence or event.
timing n. (Countable, uncountable) The regulation of the pace of e.g. an athletic race, the speed of an engine…
timing n. (Countable, uncountable) The time when something happens.
VIMINAvimina n. Plural of vimen.
VIMEN n. (Latin) a long branch of a plant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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