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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing IMAT

ACCLIMATISATIONacclimatisation n. Alternative spelling of acclimatization.
ACCLIMATISATION n. the act of acclimatising, also ACCLIMATIZATION.
ACCLIMATIZATIONacclimatization n. The act of acclimatizing; the process of inuring to a new climate, or the state of being so inured.
acclimatization n. (Biology) The climatic adaptation of an organism that has been moved to a new environment.
ACCLIMATIZATION n. the act of acclimatizing, also ACCLIMATISATION.
ANIMATRONICALLYanimatronically adv. By means of animatronics.
ANIMATRONIC adv. relating to animatronics.
ANTEPENULTIMATEantepenultimate adj. Two before the last, i.e., the one immediately before the penultimate, in a series.
antepenultimate n. Two before the last in a series. e.g. (..., antepenultimate, penultimate, ultimate)
antepenultimate n. The syllable that comes two before the last in a word.
ANTIMATERIALISMantimaterialism n. (Philosophy) Any belief system that opposes philosophical materialism.
antimaterialism n. Opposition to economical materialism or consumerism.
ANTIMATERIALISM n. opposition to materialism.
ANTIMATERIALISTantimaterialist n. A person who subscribes to antimaterialism.
ANTIMATERIALIST n. one who is opposed to materialism.
CLIMATOGRAPHIESclimatographies n. Plural of climatography.
CLIMATOGRAPHY n. a description of climates.
DELEGITIMATIONSdelegitimations n. Plural of delegitimation.
DELEGITIMATION n. the act of delegitimizing.
ILLEGITIMATIONSillegitimations n. Plural of illegitimation.
ILLEGITIMATION n. the process of making illegitimate.
INANIMATENESSESinanimatenesses n. Plural of inanimateness.
INANIMATENESS n. the state of being inanimate.
OVERESTIMATIONSoverestimations n. Plural of overestimation.
OVERESTIMATION n. the act of overestimating.
PROXIMATENESSESPROXIMATENESS n. the state of being proximate.
REACCLIMATISINGreacclimatising v. Present participle of reacclimatise.
REACCLIMATISE v. to acclimatise again, also REACCLIMATIZE.
REACCLIMATIZINGreacclimatizing v. Present participle of reacclimatize.
REACCLIMATIZE v. to acclimatize again, also REACCLIMATISE.
UNDERESTIMATINGunderestimating v. Present participle of underestimate.
UNDERESTIMATE v. to estimate as being less than the actual size, quantity, or number.
UNDERESTIMATIONunderestimation n. An underestimate.
UNDERESTIMATION n. the act of underestimating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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