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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing ISCI

CONCUPISCIBLEconcupiscible adj. (Archaic) Greatly to be desired or lusted after; exciting concupiscence.
concupiscible adj. (Archaic) Pertaining to concupiscence or lust; characterized by strong desire.
CONCUPISCIBLE adj. lustful, desirous.
DISCIPLESHIPSdiscipleships n. Plural of discipleship.
DISCIPLESHIP n. the office of disciple.
DISCIPLINABLEdisciplinable adj. That can be instructed (by discipline); able to be taught.
disciplinable adj. For which one is liable to be disciplined or punished.
disciplinable adj. (Obsolete) Relating to discipline; disciplinary.
DISCIPLINANTSdisciplinants n. Plural of disciplinant.
DISCIPLINANT n. a person who subjects themselves to a discipline, esp. one of an order of Spanish flagellants.
IMMISCIBILITYimmiscibility n. (Uncountable) The condition of being immiscible.
immiscibility n. (Countable) A measure of the degree to which a mixture of components is immiscible.
IMMISCIBILITY n. the state of being immiscible.
INCOMMISCIBLEincommiscible adj. Not commiscible; not mixable.
INCOMMISCIBLE adj. unable to be mixed or intermingled.
INDISCIPLINEDindisciplined adj. Alternative form of undisciplined.
INDISCIPLINED adj. not disciplined.
INDISCIPLINESindisciplines n. Plural of indiscipline.
INDISCIPLINE n. lack of discipline, also UNDISCIPLINE.
MISCIBILITIESmiscibilities n. Plural of miscibility.
MISCIBILITY n. the quality of being miscible.
MULTISCIENCESMULTISCIENCE n. knowledge of many things.
PISCICULTURALpiscicultural adj. Pertaining to pisciculture.
PISCICULTURAL adj. relating to pisciculture.
PISCICULTURESpiscicultures n. Plural of pisciculture.
PISCICULTURE n. the rearing of fish by artificial methods.
SUBDISCIPLINEsubdiscipline n. A field of study or work that is related to one aspect, but not the whole, of a broader field of study or work.
sub-discipline n. Alternative spelling of subdiscipline.
SUBDISCIPLINE n. a subdivision of a discipline.
UNDISCIPLINEDundisciplined adj. Not subjected to discipline, control or correction; uncorrected.
undisciplined adj. Lacking in self-control; ungovernable.
UNDISCIPLINED adj. not disciplined.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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