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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing INOL

CARCINOLOGIESCARCINOLOGY n. the study of crabs and other crustaceans.
CARCINOLOGISTcarcinologist n. A person involved in carcinology.
CARCINOLOGIST n. a specialist in carcinology.
CRIMINOLOGIEScriminologies n. Plural of criminology.
CRIMINOLOGY n. study of crime; criminals.
CRIMINOLOGISTcriminologist n. A person who is skilled in, or practices criminology.
CRIMINOLOGIST n. one who studies criminology.
ECCRINOLOGIESECCRINOLOGY n. the branch of physiology relating to the secretions of the eccrine glands.
ENDOCRINOLOGYendocrinology n. (Physiology) The study of the endocrine glands of the human body, the hormones produced by them, and…
ENDOCRINOLOGY n. the study of glands.
FIBRINOLYSINSfibrinolysins n. Plural of fibrinolysin.
FIBRINOLYSIN n. any of several proteolytic enzymes that promote the dissolution of blood clots.
GRAMINOLOGIESGRAMINOLOGY n. the study of grasses.
SANGUINOLENCYsanguinolency n. The state of being sanguinolent, or bloody.
SANGUINOLENCY n. the state of being sanguinolent, containing blood.
TERMINOLOGIESterminologies n. Plural of terminology.
TERMINOLOGY n. the technical or special terms used in a business, art, science, or special subject.
TERMINOLOGISTterminologist n. (Translation studies) A person who studies and uses terminology, especially in professional translation…
TERMINOLOGIST n. a specialist in terminology.
TRIAMCINOLONEtriamcinolone n. (Pharmacology) A glucocorticoid steroidal drug 9-fluoro-16-hydroxyprednisolone used chiefly in the form…
TRIAMCINOLONE n. a glucocorticoid drug used esp. in treating skin disorders, asthma, and allergic rhinitis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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