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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing INEN

CONTINENTALLYcontinentally adv. In a continental manner or to a continental extent.
continentally adv. With regard to continents.
CONTINENTAL adv. relating to a continent.
GENUINENESSESgenuinenesses n. Plural of genuineness.
GENUINENESS n. the state of being genuine.
IMPERTINENCESimpertinences n. Plural of impertinence.
IMPERTINENCE n. impudence; lack of pertinence, also IMPERTINENCY.
IMPERTINENTLYimpertinently adv. In an impertinent manner.
IMPERTINENT adv. given to or characterized by insolent rudeness.
INCONTINENCESincontinences n. Plural of incontinence.
INCONTINENCE n. the state of being incontinent, also INCONTINENCY.
INCONTINENTLYincontinently adv. In an incontinent manner; without restraint, or without due restraint.
incontinently adv. (Archaic) Immediately; at once; forthwith.
INCONTINENT adv. not continent.
MASCULINENESSmasculineness n. The state or condition of being masculine.
MASCULINE n. male.
PREHEMINENCESPREHEMINENCE n. (obsolete) preeminence.
PROMINENTNESSPROMINENTNESS n. the state of being prominent.
RHINENCEPHALArhinencephala n. Plural of rhinencephalon.
RHINENCEPHALON n. the olfactory lobe of the brain.
SUBCONTINENTSsubcontinents n. Plural of subcontinent.
SUBCONTINENT n. a large landmass smaller than a continent.
SUPEREMINENCEsupereminence n. The quality of being supereminent.
SUPEREMINENCE n. exceptional eminence.
SUPERFINENESSsuperfineness n. The state or condition of being superfine.
SUPERFINENESS n. the state of being superfine.
UNGENUINENESSungenuineness n. The quality of not being genuine.
UNGENUINENESS n. the state of being ungenuine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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