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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing IOTR

ABIOTROPHIESabiotrophies n. Plural of abiotrophy.
ABIOTROPHY n. bodily or mental loss of function or degeneration for reasons unknown.
ENANTIOTROPYENANTIOTROPY n. the existence in a substance of two crystal forms, one stable above, the other below, a transition temperature.
HELIOTROPIESHELIOTROPY n. the tendency of stems and leaves to bend towards the sun.
HELIOTROPINSHELIOTROPIN n. a phenolic aldehyde of very pleasant odour, used as a perfume and in flavourings, etc., aka piperonal.
HELIOTROPISMheliotropism n. The property of some plants of turning under the influence of light; either positively (towards the…
HELIOTROPISM n. the movement of plants towards sunlight.
LEIOTRICHIESLEIOTRICHY n. the state of being straight-haired.
LEIOTRICHOUSleiotrichous adj. Having smooth hair.
LEIOTRICHOUS adj. straight-haired.
PLAGIOTROPICplagiotropic adj. (Botany) Growing at an oblique or almost horizontal angle.
PLAGIOTROPIC adj. of a plant, growing away from the vertical.
PLEIOTROPIESpleiotropies n. Plural of pleiotropy.
PLEIOTROPY n. the property of having an effect simultaneously on more than one characteristic of the offspring.
PLEIOTROPISMpleiotropism n. (Genetics) pleiotropy.
PLEIOTROPISM n. the state of being pleiotropic, having an effect simultaneously on more than one character in the offspring.
RADIOTRACERSradiotracers n. Plural of radiotracer.
RADIOTRACER n. a radioactive tracer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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