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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing IOLA

BIBLIOLATERSbibliolaters n. Plural of bibliolater.
BIBLIOLATER n. one having excessive reverence for the Bible as literally interpreted; one with extravagant devotion to or dependence upon books.
GYNIOLATRIESGYNIOLATRY n. deep respect or devotion for women.
HAGIOLATRIESHAGIOLATRY n. worship or reverence for saints.
HAGIOLATROUShagiolatrous adj. Saint-worshipping.
HAGIOLATROUS adj. relating to hagiolatry, worship or reverence for saints.
HARIOLATIONShariolations n. Plural of hariolation.
HARIOLATION n. prophesy.
HELIOLATRIESheliolatries n. Plural of heliolatry.
HELIOLATRY n. sun worship.
HELIOLATROUSheliolatrous adj. Worshipping the Sun.
HELIOLATROUS adj. relating to heliolatry.
OPHIOLATRIESOPHIOLATRY n. worship of snakes.
OPHIOLATROUSophiolatrous adj. Snake-worshipping.
OPHIOLATROUS adj. worshipping snakes.
PHYSIOLATERSPHYSIOLATER n. a nature-worshipper.
RADIOLABELEDradiolabeled v. Simple past tense and past participle of radiolabel.
radiolabeled adj. Labeled with a radioactive tracer.
RADIOLABEL v. to label as radioactive.
RADIOLARIANSradiolarians n. Plural of radiolarian.
RADIOLARIAN n. any member of an order of marine Protozoa, or unicellular animals, with fine radial tentacles for feeding and movement.
SPANIOLATINGSPANIOLATE v. to hispanicize, make Spanish.
STROPHIOLATEstrophiolate adj. (Botany) Furnished with a strophiole.
STROPHIOLATE adj. having strophioles, caruncles, also STROPHIOLATED.
TRIFOLIOLATEtrifoliolate adj. (Botany) Having three leaflets, as some compound leaves do.
trifoliolate n. (Botany) A plant of this kind.
TRIFOLIOLATE adj. of a compound leaf with three radial leaflets.
UNIFOLIOLATEunifoliolate adj. (Botany) Having only one leaflet.
unifoliolate n. (Botany) A plant of this kind.
UNIFOLIOLATE adj. of a compound leaf reduced to a single leaflet.
VARIOLATIONSvariolations n. Plural of variolation.
VARIOLATION n. inoculation with smallpox.
VIOLABLENESSviolableness n. Quality of being violable.
VIOLABLENESS n. the state of being violable.
VITRIOLATINGvitriolating v. Present participle of vitriolate.
VITRIOLATE v. to convert into, or change to, a vitriol.
VITRIOLATIONVITRIOLATION n. conversion into or treatment with vitriol.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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