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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing INOG

AGGLUTINOGENagglutinogen n. (Biochemistry) Any antigen that stimulates the production of an agglutinin.
AGGLUTINOGEN n. a substance causing the production of agglutinin.
CAINOGENESEScainogeneses n. Plural of cainogenesis.
CAINOGENESIS n. the state where adaptations to the needs of the young stages develop early, and disappear in the adult stage.
CAINOGENESIScainogenesis n. Alternative spelling of caenogenesis.
CAINOGENESIS n. the state where adaptations to the needs of the young stages develop early, and disappear in the adult stage.
CAINOGENETICCAINOGENETIC adj. relating to cainogenesis, the state where adaptations to the needs of the young stages develop early, and disappear in the adult stage, also CAENOGENETIC, CENOGENETIC.
CARCINOGENICcarcinogenic adj. Causing or tending to cause cancer.
carcinogenic n. Synonym of carcinogen.
CARCINOGENIC adj. causing or tending to cause cancer.
COCARCINOGENcocarcinogen n. (Medicine) Any agent than can cause the onset of cancer only when working with carcinogenic agents.
COCARCINOGEN n. an agent that aggravates the carcinogenic effects of another substance.
CRIMINOGENICcriminogenic adj. Tending to produce crime or criminals.
CRIMINOGENIC adj. causing crime.
FIBRINOGENICfibrinogenic adj. (Biochemistry) That produces fibrin.
FIBRINOGENIC adj. of or like a fibrinogen, also FIBRINOGENOUS.
HALLUCINOGENhallucinogen n. Any substance tending to induce hallucination.
HALLUCINOGEN n. a substance that induces hallucinations, also HALLUCINOGENIC.
KAINOGENESESKAINOGENESIS n. the state where adaptations to the needs of the young stages develop early, and disappear in the adult stage, also CAENOGENESIS, CENOGENESIS, KENOGENESIS.
KAINOGENESISKAINOGENESIS n. the state where adaptations to the needs of the young stages develop early, and disappear in the adult stage, also CAENOGENESIS, CENOGENESIS, KENOGENESIS.
KAINOGENETICKAINOGENETIC adj. relating to kainogenesis, the state where adaptations to the needs of the young stages develop early, and disappear in the adult stage.
PLASMINOGENSplasminogens n. Plural of plasminogen.
PLASMINOGEN n. the precursor of plasmin that is found in blood plasma and serum.
TRYPSINOGENStrypsinogens n. Plural of trypsinogen.
TRYPSINOGEN n. the inactive substance from which trypsin is formed in the duodenum.
URINOGENITALurinogenital adj. Urogenital.
URINOGENITAL adj. relating to the area holding the genitals and urinary tract, also UROGENITAL.
UROBILINOGENurobilinogen n. (Biochemistry) A colourless product of bilirubin reduction, formed in the intestines by bacterial action.
UROBILINOGEN n. any of a group of colourless tetrapyrrole compounds produced by the reduction of bilirubin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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