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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing ICIN

AEROMEDICINEaeromedicine n. Aviation or aerospace medicine.
AEROMEDICINE n. a branch of medicine that deals with the diseases arising from flying.
APPRENTICINGapprenticing v. Present participle of apprentice.
APPRENTICE v. to set someone to work to learn a trade.
BIOMEDICINESbiomedicines n. Plural of biomedicine.
BIOMEDICINE n. medicine based on the application of the principles of the natural sciences and esp. biology and biochemistry.
DAUNORUBICINdaunorubicin n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic anthracycline antibiotic C27H29NO10 which is a nitrogenous glycoside that…
DAUNORUBICIN n. an antibiotic used in treatment of leukaemia.
DOXORUBICINSdoxorubicins n. Plural of doxorubicin.
DOXORUBICIN n. a bacterial antibiotic used to treat various forms of cancer.
ENTICINGNESSenticingness n. The quality of being enticing.
ENTICINGNESS n. the state of being enticing.
GEOMEDICINESGEOMEDICINE n. the study of diseases as influenced by the geographical environment.
OVEROFFICINGOVEROFFICE v. to domineer over by virtue of office.
PRESERVICINGSorry, definition not available.
SATISFICINGSSATISFICING n. the act of satisfying.
TELEMEDICINEtelemedicine n. The transfer of medical information via telecommunication technologies for the purpose of consulting…
TELEMEDICINE n. medical treatment effected remotely.
TYROTHRICINStyrothricins n. Plural of tyrothricin.
TYROTHRICIN n. an antibiotic mixture consisting chiefly of tyrocidine and gramicidin and used topically especially against gram-positive bacteria.
UNDERPRICINGunderpricing v. Present participle of underprice.
UNDERPRICING n. the act of charging too low a price.
VATICINATINGvaticinating v. Present participle of vaticinate.
VATICINATE v. to prophesy, predict.
VATICINATIONvaticination n. Prediction, prophecy.
VATICINATION n. prophecy.
VATICINATORSvaticinators n. Plural of vaticinator.
VATICINATOR n. a prophet.
VATICINATORYvaticinatory adj. Related to vaticination.
VATICINATORY adj. relating to prophecy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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