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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing ICES

COADJUTRICEScoadjutrices n. Plural of coadjutrix.
COADJUTRIX n. a female coadjutor or assistant, also COADJUTRESS.
DOMINATRICESdominatrices n. Plural of dominatrix.
DOMINATRIX n. a prostitute catering for masochists.
GENERATRICESgeneratrices n. Plural of generatrix.
GENERATRIX n. a line, point or figure that traces out another figure by its motion.
INHERITRICESinheritrices n. Plural of inheritrix.
INHERITRIX n. a female inheritor, also INHERITRESS.
INITIATRICESINITIATRIX n. a female initiator.
INTEROFFICESinteroffices v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of interoffice.
JUSTICESHIPSjusticeships n. Plural of justiceship.
JUSTICESHIP n. the office or dignity of a justice.
MALPRACTICESmalpractices n. Plural of malpractice.
MALPRACTICE n. an evil or improper practice; professional misconduct.
MODERATRICESmoderatrices n. Plural of moderatrix.
MODERATRIX n. (obsolete) a female moderator.
OVERSERVICESoverservices v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overservice.
OVERSERVICE v. to service to excess.
PRECENTRICESPRECENTRIX n. a female precentor.
PRENTICESHIPprenticeship n. Obsolete form of apprenticeship.
PRENTICESHIP n. the office of prentice.
PROTECTRICESprotectrices n. Plural of protectrix.
PROTECTRIX n. a female protector, also PROTECTRESS.
QUADRATRICESquadratrices n. Plural of quadratrix.
QUADRATRIX n. a curve by which a circle may be squared.
SEPARATRICESseparatrices n. Plural of separatrix.
SEPARATRIX n. a solidus; a separating line.
SUPERHELICESsuperhelices n. Plural of superhelix.
SUPERHELIX n. a helix, as of DNA, which has its axis arranged in a helical coil.
TELESERVICESteleservices n. Plural of teleservice.
TELESERVICES n. information, etc. services available to users of teletext and viewdata systems.
TRISECTRICESTRISECTRIX n. a certain curve of a polar equation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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