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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing INUA

CONTINUABLEcontinuable adj. Able to be continued.
CONTINUABLE adj. that can be continued.
CONTINUALLYcontinually adv. In a continual manner; non-stop.
continually adv. In regular or repeated succession; very often.
CONTINUAL adv. constantly happening or done.
CONTINUANCEcontinuance n. (Uncountable) The action of continuing.
continuance n. (Countable, law, chiefly US) An order issued by a court granting a postponement of a legal proceeding…
CONTINUANCE n. the state of continuing, remaining in the same place, action, etc.
CONTINUANTScontinuants n. Plural of continuant.
CONTINUANT n. a continuant sound.
CONTINUATORcontinuator n. A person who continues the work of another.
CONTINUATOR n. one that continues.
INSINUATINGinsinuating v. Present participle of insinuate.
INSINUATE v. to hint or indirectly suggest.
INSINUATIONinsinuation n. The act or process of insinuating; a creeping, winding, or flowing in.
insinuation n. The act of gaining favor, affection, or influence, by gentle or artful means; — formerly used in a good…
insinuation n. The art or power of gaining good will by a prepossessing manner.
INSINUATIVEinsinuative adj. Tending to insinuate; insinuating.
INSINUATIVE adj. serving to insinuate.
INSINUATORSinsinuators n. Plural of insinuator.
INSINUATOR n. one who, or that which, insinuates.
INSINUATORYinsinuatory adj. Insinuative.
INSINUATORY adj. tending to insinuate, insinuative.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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