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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing INOC

BINOCULARLYbinocularly adv. In a binocular manner.
BINOCULAR adv. with two eyes or eyepieces.
CLINOCHLOREclinochlore n. (Mineralogy) A monoclinic-prismatic mineral containing aluminum, hydrogen, iron, magnesium, oxygen, and silicon.
CLINOCHLORE n. a hexagonal variety of chlorite rich in magnesium and aluminium and usually poor in iron, aka ripidolite.
DINOCERASESDINOCERAS n. a uintathere, an animal of the genus Uintatherium, gigantic fossil ungulates.
ECHINOCOCCIechinococci n. Plural of echinococcus.
ECHINOCOCCUS n. a parasitic tapeworm.
EQUINOCTIALequinoctial adj. (Astronomy) Of or relating to the spring or autumnal equinox.
equinoctial adj. (Astronomy) Of or relating to the celestial equator.
equinoctial adj. (Uncommon) Equatorial: Of or relating to the equator of the Earth.
INOCULATINGinoculating v. Present participle of inoculate.
INOCULATE v. to introduce (e.g. bacteria, a virus) into an organism.
INOCULATIONinoculation n. (Immunology) The introduction of an antigenic substance or vaccine into the body to produce immunity…
inoculation n. (Microbiology) The introduction of a microorganism into a culture medium.
inoculation n. The insertion of the buds of one plant into another; grafting.
INOCULATIVEinoculative adj. Relating to inoculation.
INOCULATIVE adj. serving to inoculate.
INOCULATORSinoculators n. Plural of inoculator.
INOCULATOR n. one who inoculates.
INOCULATORYinoculatory adj. Relating to inoculation.
INOCULATORY adj. relating to inoculation.
LINOCUTTINGSorry, definition not available.
PINOCYTOSESpinocytoses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pinocytose.
PINOCYTOSIS n. a process by which droplets of liquid are taken into a cell in small vesicles pinched off from the cell membrane.
PINOCYTOSISpinocytosis n. (Biology) A form of endocytosis in which material enters a cell through its membrane and is incorporated…
PINOCYTOSIS n. a process by which droplets of liquid are taken into a cell in small vesicles pinched off from the cell membrane.
PINOCYTOTICpinocytotic adj. Relating to pinocytosis.
PINOCYTOTIC adj. relating to pinocytosis, drinking by cells.
REINOCULATEreinoculate v. (Transitive) To inoculate again.
REINOCULATE v. to inoculate again.
RHINOCEROTErhinocerote n. (Obsolete) Synonym of rhinoceros.
RHINOCEROTE n. (obsolete) a rhinoceros, also RHINOCEROS, RHINOCEROT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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